
Choose whom you will serve

Humanity is divided into two, and only two, groups, the followers of the Lamb and the devotees of the Beast . In the  Book of Revelation , every man either “ Tabernacles in Heaven ” or is numbered among the “ Inhabitants of the Earth .” The terms are not geographical or spatial but reflect the leader served by each group. Men either belong to “ Heaven ” or the “ Earth .” Those who elect to follow the Lamb “ Tabernacle in Heaven ,” but the “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” choose to submit to the “ Dragon ” and consequently await a grim fate.

The Victorious Shepherd

The kings and nations of the Earth are found in New Jerusalem because of the Lamb’s redemptive work . The Apostle Paul describes the proclamation of “ Christ crucified ” as “ God’s wisdom and power .” The proposition that God overthrew Sin, Satan, and Death through the execution of a lowly man from the small village of Nazareth is “ foolishness ” to men and contrary to this world’s “wisdom” and ideologies. Even the spiritual “ powers and principalities ” did not understand what God was doing and sealed their fate by crucifying the “ Lord of Glory .”

Notre Mission

La mission de l'Église est de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu à toutes les nations sans exception jusqu'au retour de Jésus . Jésus a ordonné à ses disciples d'annoncer le même message qu'il prêchait. Il l'a résumé comme la “ Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu .” Son Église étendrait ce Royaume sur Terre de manière inattendue et paradoxale. Sa souveraineté sur toutes les nations serait établie et ses “ ennemis ” seraient soumis au jour de son retour. Jusque-là, ses disciples étaient appelés à proclamer son message jusqu'aux “ extrémités de la Terre .”

Our Mission

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations without exception until Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14. Jesus commanded his followers to announce the same message he preached. He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” His Church would spread this Kingdom on Earth in unexpected and paradoxical ways. His sovereignty over all nations would be established and his “ enemies ” would be subdued by the day of his return. Until then, his disciples were summoned to proclaim his message to the “ ends of the Earth .”

Le Message

Jésus a convoqué ses disciples pour proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume à tous les coins habités de la Terre . L'Évangile de Jésus-Christ ne vise pas à réformer la société ou les gouvernements. Son message appelle tous les hommes à se repentir et à rejoindre un ordre social et une réalité politique radicalement nouveaux, le Royaume de Dieu . Son message est contraire aux idéologies politiques de l'ordre mondial actuel. Nous devons répondre positivement à son invitation car la fin de l'âge approche où le système existant disparaîtra.

The Message

Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth . The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about reforming society or governments. His message summons all men to repent and join a radically new social order and political reality, the  Kingdom of God . His message is contrary to the political ideologies of the present world order. We must respond positively to his invitation since the end of the age is approaching when the existing system will disappear.