
The Message

Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth . The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about reforming society or governments. His message summons all men to repent and join a radically new social order and political reality, the  Kingdom of God . His message is contrary to the political ideologies of the present world order. We must respond positively to his invitation since the end of the age is approaching when the existing system will disappear.

His Exceptional Kingdom

Jesus proclaimed a new and different political reality, the Kingdom of God, and it bears little resemblance to the governments of this world .  When Jesus appeared in Galilee, he proclaimed the “ Kingdom of God ”: “ Repent, for the kingdom is at hand .” God’s reign was invading the Earth in his ministry. His realm was and remains entirely different than the political systems of the present fallen age, and it is incompatible with its political ideologies without exception . The Messiah of Israel refused worldly political power, especially when offered by Satan.  Likewise, his Church is summoned to something different than the existing world order. Righteousness must not be advanced by committing evil. - (“ Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil! ” - Isaiah 5:20).

Ruler of the Kings of the Earth

Jesus, the Faithful Witness, now reigns supreme over the Kings of the Earth, and he is shepherding the nations to the Holy City of New Jerusalem . Jesus is called the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ” in the Prologue of  Revelation . This declaration is made in the  present tense  since his sovereignty over the Earth is based on his Death and Resurrection. He does not rule by hereditary right, economic power, or military might, but because of his redeeming death. The slain “ Lamb ” is the one who sits on the Throne. His authority extends even over “ Death and Hades .”

Tu es Mon Fils

Les rois de la Terre ont conspiré pour renverser le Messie, mais Dieu l'a ressuscité et l'a élevé au Trône messianique - Psaume 2:1-6. Le  Deuxième Psaume  est un passage clé appliqué à Jésus dans le Nouveau Testament, en particulier dans le  Livre des Hébreux . Quand ses prédictions se sont-elles accomplies, et le Messie règne-t-il maintenant sur le trône de David, ou le monde attend-il toujours son intronisation? Qu'en est-il de la “ révolte ” prédite des nations et des Rois de la Terre contre le Fils de Dieu? - (Psaume 2:1-6)?

I have Enthroned My King

The conspiracy by the Earth’s kings to unseat the Messiah is applied in the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus – Psalm 2:1-6. The Second Psalm is a key passage applied to Jesus multiple times in the New Testament. When were its predictions fulfilled, and is the Messiah reigning now on David’s Throne? Is the world still waiting for his enthronement at a future date? What about the “ revolt ” of nations and kings against the Son of God? Is it a prediction of a coming war between Jesus and earthly governments - (Psalm 2:1-6)?

Ma Coupe et Mon Baptême

Ses disciples sont appelés à se sacrifier au service des autres, tout comme Jésus a donné sa vie pour racheter beaucoup de l'esclavage du péché - Marc 10:35-45. Après avoir prédit sa mort imminente, deux disciples ont commencé à se disputer des postes élevés dans son futur Royaume. Pensant selon les voies de ce monde, ils ne comprenaient pas quel genre de Messie était Jésus et ce que cela signifiait de le suivre. Cependant, à Jérusalem, il montrerait comment devenir son disciple et atteindre la “ grandeur ” dans le Royaume de Dieu lorsqu'il serait cloué sur la Croix Romaine.