
Showing posts with the label Torah

Neither Jew nor Greek

Returning to the custodianship of the Law would mean rebuilding the wall between Jews and Gentiles, but “you are all one in Christ.” The Apostle Paul compared the Mosaic Law to a “ pedagogue ” in its supervision of Israel “ until the seed came .” That “ Seed ” was Jesus. In Greco-Roman society, the “pedagogue” was a slave with custodial and disciplinary authority over an underage child until he reached maturity. The minority status of the child and the authority of the custodian over him were both temporary.

Limits of the Law

The jurisdiction of the Mosaic regulations over the covenant community reached its limit with the arrival of Jesus, the Seed of Abraham . In responding to claims that Gentiles must be circumcised, Paul appealed to the common experience of the Spirit received by the Galatians.  Did they receive the Gift through a “ hearing of faith ” or “ from the works of the Law ?”  Having begun in the Spirit, why did they seek the “ completion ” of their faith based on “ flesh ” by submitting to circumcision?

Limites de la Loi

La juridiction des règlements Mosaïques sur la communauté de l'alliance a atteint sa limite avec l'arrivée de Jésus, la Postérité d'Abraham . En répondant aux affirmations selon lesquelles les Gentils doivent être circoncis, Paul a fait appel à l'expérience commune de l'Esprit reçue par les Galates.  Ont-ils reçu le Don par une “ audition de la foi ” ou “ par les œuvres de la Loi? ” Ayant commencé dans l'Esprit, pourquoi cherchaient - ils “ l'achèvement ” de leur foi basée sur la “ chair ” en se soumettant à la circoncision?

The Law and Prophets

Fulfillment is a key theme in the Gospel of Matthew . With the arrival of the Messiah, the time of fulfillment began. What were the implications for the Law of Moses? In his ‘ Sermon on the Mount ’, Jesus provides clear answers. He did not come to settle the interpretive disputes between competing Jewish sects over the details of the Law but to FULFILL the “ Law and the Prophets .”

The Greater Lawgiver

The life, words, and deeds of Jesus echo key events from the History of Israel. He brings the things God began in the past to their intended fulfillment. He is the Greater Lawgiver foreshadowed in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. By presenting parallels between Moses and Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew prepares us for the teachings of Christ, especially as represented in his ‘ Sermon on the Mount ’.

Rebuilding Walls

The third chapter of Galatians is pivotal to Paul’s larger argument, in which he stresses the oneness of God’s people. The old social divisions existing under the Mosaic Legislation are inappropriate in God’s one covenant community since the promised “ Seed of Abraham ” has arrived, namely, Jesus of Nazareth. In his Body, “ there can be NEITHER Jew nor Greek .”

La Loi et les Prophètes

L'accomplissement est un thème clé dans Matthieu . Avec l'arrivée du Messie, le temps de l'accomplissement avait commencé. Mais quelles étaient les implications pour la Loi de Moïse? Dans son ‘Sermon sur la Montagne’, Jésus a fourni des réponses claires. Il n'est pas venu pour juger les conflits d'interprétation entre sectes juives concurrentes sur les détails de la Loi, mais pour ACCOMPLIR la “ Loi et les Prophètes .”

Conflict in Galatians

Paul’s Letter to the Galatians is his response to a controversy in the churches of that region. The issue was the status of Gentile believers. Must they conform to Jewish practices and submit to the regulation of the Mosaic Law, especially circumcision? At the heart of his response was his contention that “ in Christ ” the old distinctions between “ Jew ” and “ Gentile ” no longer apply, the covenant promises have found their fulfillment in Jesus, the “ seed of Abraham .”

Having Started in the Spirit

In Galatians , Paul addresses a growing danger. Certain “ men from Jerusalem ” claimed that Gentiles must keep the deeds of the Mosaic Law to “ complete ” their faith, or at least, some of its statutes and rites. They were “ compelling Gentiles to Judaize ” by adopting circumcision, calendrical observances, and perhaps the Levitical dietary restrictions.

The Works of the Law

Sin is the Great Leveler that places everyone in the same predicament: Bondage now, death and “ wrath ” later. No one is exempt from the penalty of sin, and no one has a legitimate excuse for trespassing the commandment of God who will “ render to each according to his works .” But what, precisely, did the Apostle Paul mean when he brought “ works ” into the discussion? Good deeds and human efforts in general, or something more specific?

Jesus and Tradition

In  Mark , the city of Jerusalem is the headquarters of the opposition to Jesus, especially the priestly authorities of the Temple. As his popularity grows, he experiences growing conflict with the religious authorities, the Pharisees, the scribes, and the representatives of the high priest. And his enemies began to plot his destruction.

Two Woman Restored

Jesus healed two women to health and restored both to a state of ritual purity – Mark 5:21-43 .  Mark presents two stories about women in need of healing. Linking them is the theme of women in need of physical healing and restoration to a state of ritual purity. Both were “unclean” due to their physical condition; the first was because of a flow of blood, and the second, due to her recent death.