
Showing posts with the label Sermon-Mount

Love your Enemy

When we react to hostility with hostility and anger, Satan wins . T he reality of persecution raises questions. How should we respond when attacked by the State, the culture, society, or even our family and friends? Is resorting to anger or retaliation appropriate, or should we emulate examples from the life of Jesus? In his teachings, he warned us to expect “ tribulation ,” and he summoned us to follow his path (“ If they persecuted me, so they will persecute you ”).

The Law and Prophets

Fulfillment is a key theme in the Gospel of Matthew . With the arrival of the Messiah, the time of fulfillment began. What were the implications for the Law of Moses? In his ‘ Sermon on the Mount ’, Jesus provides clear answers. He did not come to settle the interpretive disputes between competing Jewish sects over the details of the Law but to FULFILL the “ Law and the Prophets .”

The Greater Lawgiver

The life, words, and deeds of Jesus echo key events from the History of Israel. He brings the things God began in the past to their intended fulfillment. He is the Greater Lawgiver foreshadowed in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. By presenting parallels between Moses and Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew prepares us for the teachings of Christ, especially as represented in his ‘ Sermon on the Mount ’.

"Rejoice and Exult!"

Persecution is always a possibility for the followers of Jesus and his Church. We may face hostility from employers, neighbors, government, and family members because of our beliefs and practices. So, how should we react when the possibility becomes a brutal reality? Jesus and the Apostles provided clear instructions and examples of how the Church must respond when faced with persecution.

"I Never Knew You!"

Jesus claimed absolute authority for his words. Disciples who ignore them risk his rejection and exclusion from God’s Kingdom – Matthew 7:21-28. “ I never knew you! Depart from me! ” These are the most frightening words we could possibly hear on the lips of Jesus, yet they are central to the conclusion of his ‘ Sermon on the Mount .’ His discourse was never a program for governing civil society, but instructions to us, his disciples, on how we must live as faithful citizens of his Kingdom and representatives of his Gospel.

Overflowing Righteousness

Mercy and love are the defining characteristics of Christ’s disciples, and they reflect the essential nature of His Father  – Matthew 5:43-48. Jesus exhorted us to become “ perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect ,” yet how can we reflect the perfect righteousness of God? Our Lord's answer is clear -  By performing acts of mercy, especially to our enemies . Self-sacrificial love goes to the heart of Christ’s message and demonstrates the merciful nature of His Father. Was the Nazarene not the Messiah who submitted to an unjust death for us when we were the “ enemies of God ”?