
Showing posts with the label Satan

Le Chemin du Serviteur

Jésus a rejeté l'offre de Satan d'un pouvoir politique illimité et a plutôt choisi la voie du Serviteur souffrant . Satan a tenté Jésus en lui offrant le pouvoir politique sur “ tous les royaumes du monde .” Cependant, il a refusé l'offre du diable . Au lieu de cela, il a choisi le chemin du “ Serviteur Souffrant ” qui a inévitablement conduit à sa mort sur la croix romaine. Satan a tenté le Fils de Dieu de quatre manières. Le plus séduisant était l'offre de pouvoir sur les nations - (Matthieu 4: 8-11).

Jesus Refused Satan's Offer

Jesus rejected Satan’s offer of unlimited political power and instead chose the way of the Suffering Servant . Satan tempted Jesus by offering him political power over “ all the kingdoms of the world .” However, he refused the Devil’s offer . Instead, he submitted to the way of the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ that led inevitably to his death on the Roman cross. Satan tempted The Son of God in four ways. The most seductive was the offer of power over the nations - (Matthew 4:8-11).

Authority over Satan

Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness by rejecting his temptations and instead submitting to the will of God. The effects were demonstrated when he exercised authority over demonic forces in the village of Capernaum near the Sea of Galilee. The first incident occurred in the local synagogue where the Jews would gather to study the Torah and pray.

Spiritual Warfare

“Spiritual warfare” is an idea based on the Apostle Paul’s words to the Assembly in Ephesus - “ Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers… against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places .” So, how do believers wage war against these unseen forces of darkness?

The Dragon's War

Satan attacks the Lamb by persecuting his followers, the saints who have the Testimony of Jesus . The Book of Revelation provides a graphic picture of the cosmic battle raging between Jesus and the Devil, the “ Slain Lamb ” and the “ Great Red Dragon .” The stakes are high. The battlefield is the Church, the “ assemblies ” of Jesus Christ. Satan has no hope of victory if he fails to destroy the Church, and he knows this; therefore, his resources are focused on accomplishing that goal.

The Great Cosmic Conflict

Throughout this age, Satan and his minions are waging an all-out cosmic war against the saints.  And several passages in the Book of Revelation describe this ongoing cosmic war between the “ Dragon ” and the “ Lamb ,” a process that will culminate in a final battle on the “ great day of God Almighty .” This battle will be waged on the Earth as the servants of Satan seek to destroy Christ’s people, the “ saints .” But the consequences of its results will be felt throughout the Cosmos. All life will be changed forever.

Herald of the Kingdom

After his baptism, the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tested by the Devil as Israel was. However, he overcame and succeeded where Israel failed. Following his baptism, the Spirit “drove Jesus into the wilderness… for forty days and nights.” Like Moses on Sinai, the Messiah of Israel was alone in the desert where he was tested by the Devil and molded by God. He was tempted like Israel, only he overcame every challenge and emerged victorious and “full of the Holy Spirit.” Only then did he proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom, starting in the villages of Galilee.

Demonized Man Delivered

Jesus delivered a demonized Gentile while traveling through hostile territory, demonstrating his vast authority over Satan  –  Mark 5:1-20 .  The declaration that Jesus had come to the “ other side of the sea ” links this next story to the preceding incident when he calmed the storm. His plan to crossover the Sea of Galilee set in motion the series of events that followed. Having calmed the storm, he next encountered the demonized man who had a violent “storm” raging within.

Authority over Satan

Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness by rejecting his temptations and lies. The effects of that victory were demonstrated when he exercised authority over demonic forces in the village of Capernaum near the Sea of Galilee. The first incident occurred in the local synagogue, typically, a place where Jews would gather to study the  Torah  and pray.