
Showing posts with the label Resurrection

Despair Not!

Foundational to the believer’s future hope is the bodily resurrection of the righteous dead when Jesus arrives in glory . Paul’s description of the “ arrival ” or ‘ Parousia ’ of Jesus in his first letter to the Thessalonians was written to comfort the congregation concerning the fate of fellow believers who die before Christ returns. They must not sorrow “ like the others ” since the righteous dead will be resurrected when the Lord “ arrives ” from Heaven.

The Decisive Day

The arrival of Jesus will be an event of great victory and finality that will result in the resurrection and the New Creation . The return of Jesus at the “ end of the age ” will be a singular event of utter finality. His “ arrival ” or ‘ Parousia ’ will be accompanied by celestial and terrestrial upheaval, the installation of the New Creation, the resurrection of the dead, the judgment of the godly and the ungodly, the “ gathering of Christ’s elect ,” and the end of Death. Decay and mortality will be replaced by immortality. Nothing will ever be the same again!

Trustworthy Teaching

Christ’s real Death and bodily Resurrection are foundational and indispensable to the Apostolic Faith . The Apostle Paul discussed the future resurrection of believers in  2 Timothy , in response to denials of this “ sound teaching ” by false teachers. Faith in the promised resurrection of the righteous is central to the hope of salvation taught by Jesus and proclaimed by his Apostles. This teaching is unquestionably reliable because it is based on the past Death and Resurrection of Jesus .

Redeeming our Bodies

Paul links the bodily resurrection of believers to the New Creation. Both events are vital for our complete redemption – Romans 8:1-23. There is “ now no condemnation ” of anyone who is “ in Christ Jesus .” This happy condition exists because the “ law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death .” In his  Letter to the Romans , the Apostle Paul links our salvation to the inheritance of Christ and the coming  redemption of our bodies and creation itself .

Completing our Salvation

Central to the hope of the Apostolic Faith is the bodily resurrection of the dead. This will occur when Jesus appears at the end of the age . The biblical faith is forward-looking. Foundational to the doctrine of salvation is the resurrection of the righteous dead. That event will also mark the arrival of the New Creation. The New Testament links the resurrection of the saints to two events. The past Resurrection of Jesus, and his arrival at the end of the age. Our salvation will remain incomplete until Christ raises us from the dead.

Jesus Conquered Death!

Paul reminded Timothy of the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death since false teachers were denying the future resurrection of believers . Paul responded to false teachings about the resurrection of believers in his second letter to Timothy. Certain voices denied this essential truth. “ God did not give us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind ,” and this included overcoming our anxieties about death. Jesus was victorious over death and now gives men and women life “ through the Gospel .”

Death, the Last Enemy

The arrival of Jesus at the end of the age will mean the resurrection and the end of the Last Enemy, namely, Death - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. Certain members of the congregation in Corinth denied the future resurrection of the righteous. Paul responded by stressing how necessary our resurrection is and by appealing to the past Death and Resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection was and remains the precedent for our future resurrection and life in the coming age. We will be raised bodily when he “ arrives ,” and his appearance will mean nothing less than the end of Death itself.

Inheritance of Abraham

The disciples of Jesus are the Heirs of Abraham, and the future possession of the full inheritance is guaranteed by the Gift of the Spirit . Israel’s possession of Canaan was an earlier stage in God’s redemptive plan, which always envisaged something larger than Israel and a small plot of land in the Middle East. With the arrival of the Messiah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the covenant promises found their fulfillment in the true “ Seed of Abraham ,” and therefore in his “ brethren ” and “ coheirs .”

Victory over Death

Members of the Corinthian congregation denied the future resurrection of the righteous. Paul responded by stressing the necessity for resurrection. He also appealed to Christ’s past Death and Resurrection as the precedent of our resurrection. We will be raised bodily when he “ arrives… at the last trumpet .” His appearance will mean nothing less than the end of death and our receipt of immorality. Thus, the Apostle declared, “ O Death! Where is your sting? ”

The Day of our Lord Jesus

Jesus will arrive on the Day of the Lord at which time the dead will be raised, the wicked judged, and death will cease forever . The coming of Jesus is an important major part of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. He touches on several aspects of the event, including its identification as the “Day of the Lord,” the consummation of God’s kingdom, the resurrection of the righteous dead, the judgment of the wicked, and the cessation of death.

Firstborn of the Dead

In his Letter to the Colossians , Paul stresses the exaltation of Jesus following his resurrection. Some members of the congregation were confused about his authority over the spiritual powers that remained hostile to God and His people; therefore, Paul reminded the Assembly of just how highly God has exalted the one who became the “ Firstborn of the Dead .”

The Age of the Spirit

The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant. It is the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations . The history of Israel includes national sins that caused her expulsion from the Land of Canaan. God foresaw her failures and determined to institute a new covenant  energized and characterized by His Spirit . It would include the salvation of the nations and culminate in the “ New Heavens and the New Earth .” With the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost, the Age of the Spirit commenced in earnest.

Then Comes the End!

In the New Testament, the return of Jesus at the “ end of the age ” is portrayed as a singular event of great finality. His “ arrival ” or ‘ Parousia ’ will be accompanied by celestial and terrestrial upheaval, the appearance of the New Creation, the resurrection of the righteous dead, the judgment and punishment of the ungodly, the “ gathering of his elect ,” and the cessation of Death itself. Decay and mortality will be replaced by immortality, and nothing will ever be the same again!

Saved by His Life

In his Letter to the Romans , Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the Gospel. His purpose was to deal with conflicts between Gentile and Jewish members of the Assembly and prepare the ground for taking the Gospel to the West. In doing so, he touched on key topics, including death, redemption, the Law, resurrection, and New Creation. Believers are justified through his death, and saved by his resurrection life.

Resurrection Power

In the opening thanksgiving of his Letter to the Philippians , Paul prepares his readers for one of its key themes: Going on to perfection in Jesus . The bodily resurrection of the believer is necessary for the consummation of this process, and its goal. It is an integral part of the salvation that believers will receive when Jesus appears, and a glorious hope as the past resurrection of Jesus demonstrates.

The Redemption

Salvation includes the resurrection of the saints and the New Creation. Both events will occur when Jesus arrives from Heaven . Redemption is part of God’s salvation. He will not abandon what He created and called “ very good! ” Redemption points to the recovery of what has been lost. The Universe is enslaved by sin and condemned to decay and death. All living creatures die. However, in the redemptive plans of the Creator, the end state of the things redeemed by Him will be vastly superior to their original condition, and this principle is epitomized in the bodily resurrection of men and women saved by Jesus Christ.

Spirit and Inheritance

The history of Israel includes national sins that resulted in her expulsion from the Promised Land. However, God foresaw her failures and determined eons ago to institute a  New Covenant  that would be energized and characterized by His Spirit, and a people,  singular , that would include the Gentile nations. This covenant would culminate in the resurrection of the righteous dead and the arrival of the “ New Heavens and the New Earth .”

Final Events

In explaining the resurrection, Paul lists key events that will precede or coincide with the arrival of Jesus at the close of the present age . Paul outlined the events that will occur at or shortly before the “ arrival ” of Jesus in  1 Corinthians . The Greek noun ‘ Parousia ’ or “ arrival ” is one of several terms Paul applies to the future coming of the Lord in his letters. Regardless of which term is used, the Apostle always refers to one “ coming ,” one “ appearance ,” one “ revelation ” and one “ appearance ” of the Son of God, not two or more.

Redemption of Our Body

There is “ now no condemnation ” of anyone “ in Christ Jesus .” This happy condition exists because the “ law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death .” In  Romans , the Apostle Paul links our salvation to the inheritance of Christ and the coming redemption of our bodies and creation itself.

Coheirs with Jesus

The covenant with Abraham is fulfilled in Jesus, the Patriarch’s Seed and Heir, including the possession of the Earth – Romans 8:1-23. The Apostle Paul presents Abraham as the great exemplar of the faith, the model for believers to emulate as they live from the “ faith of Jesus .”