
Showing posts with the label Persecution

Love your Enemy

When we react to hostility with hostility and anger, Satan wins . T he reality of persecution raises questions. How should we respond when attacked by the State, the culture, society, or even our family and friends? Is resorting to anger or retaliation appropriate, or should we emulate examples from the life of Jesus? In his teachings, he warned us to expect “ tribulation ,” and he summoned us to follow his path (“ If they persecuted me, so they will persecute you ”).

The Cruciform Road

To follow Jesus wherever he goes requires a life of self-denial and mercy and sacrificial service to help others – Matthew 20:20-28. When Jesus sent his disciples to announce the “ Good News ,” he warned they would find themselves as “ sheep among wolves .” Hostile men would haul them before “ councils and whip them in their synagogues .” They would be hated “ by all men for my sake .” The early church faced this stark reality. The same men who should have welcomed Israel’s Messiah instead fought what he represented tooth and nail .

The Narrow Road

When Jesus sent his disciples to announce the “ Good News ” to the “ lost sheep of Israel ,” he warned them they would be like “ sheep among wolves .” Hostile men would haul them before “ councils and whip them in their synagogues ,” and they would be hated “ by all men for my sake .” The men who should have welcomed the Messiah instead fought what he represented - Tooth and Nail .

Expect Tribulation

Disciples of Jesus should expect suffering on account of their faithful testimony. While it may not occur daily or in every believer’s life, persecution is not, or should not be, something unexpected or shocking to the Church. The primary cause is the faithful proclamation of the Gospel; however, when believers fail to preach the Good News to a hostile world, their sufferings for the sake of Jesus diminish, and persecution becomes a distant memory.


Jesus experienced growing conflict as he began his journey to Jerusalem. In Galilee, he displayed his authority over nature, demons, disease, and even death, and the crowds welcomed him enthusiastically. However, in his hometown, and among his family members, he met unbelief, hostility, and the rejection of his ministry.

"Rejoice and Exult!"

Persecution is always a possibility for the followers of Jesus and his Church. We may face hostility from employers, neighbors, government, and family members because of our beliefs and practices. So, how should we react when the possibility becomes a brutal reality? Jesus and the Apostles provided clear instructions and examples of how the Church must respond when faced with persecution.

Though He Slays Me

Each of us has asked the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Why, despite their faithfulness and supplications, do many Christians become ill and die from horrible diseases? Why do so many not experience the emotionally satisfying presence of God, see visions, or have angelic visitations? Can anyone explain by war, poverty, and starvation persist in this world?

Suffering for Him

To follow Jesus requires the willingness to suffer for his sake. The call to endure persecution for Chrisr is the highest honor imaginable in his Kingdom. Retaliation and violence are not appropriate reactions to hostility and persecution for the disciple of Jesus. Instead, his follower must meet threats and assaults with humility, mercy, and forgiveness. This is what it means to “ deny yourself ,” “ take up his cross ,” and follow him “ wherever he leads .” Doing good to one’s “ enemy ” is contrary to the “ wisdom of this age ,” yet doing so is how we become “ perfect as the Heavenly Father .”

Forcing the Kingdom

Jesus declared that “ violent men are seizing the Kingdom of God .” Was he referring to malevolent men from the outside who attempt to take control of the Kingdom through force? Should his disciples “forcefully seize” the promises of God and otherwise vigorously “press into” the Kingdom and the “spirit realm”? Or must it advance in the world through forceful action? In the passage, Jesus is discussing the ministry of John the Baptist, and how he was rejected and abused by the leaders of the Jewish nation.

My Way or His Cross

Rage is  NOT  an appropriate reaction to hostility for disciples of Jesus. His instructions about this issue contradicted the “ wisdom of this age ” and human experience. Nevertheless, responding in anger to violations of our political, civil, and individual “rights” only demonstrates how far many of us have strayed from his teachings and example.

The Beast Goes to War

The Book of Revelation uses “war” and related terms to illustrate Satan’s attacks against the followers of the “ Lamb .” The Book shows little, if any, interest in conventional or nuclear warfare between nation-states. Instead, the “ Dragon ” strives mightily to annihilate the saints before his allotted time expires. To do so, he employs deception, compromise, and on occasion, outright persecution. The target of his hostility is the Assembly of Jesus Christ.

Appointed for Tribulation

Our natural tendency is to avoid conflict. Understandably, we prefer our daily lives to be characterized by peace, acceptance, and prosperity, a life devoid of difficulties and afflictions. Moreover, the New Testament does promise believers peace now and everlasting life later. Nevertheless, it also exhorts the Assembly of God to expect afflictions and even persecution in this life on account of its light and testimony in a sin-darkened world.

The Dragon's War

Satan attacks the Lamb by persecuting his followers, the saints who have the Testimony of Jesus . The Book of Revelation provides a graphic picture of the cosmic battle raging between Jesus and the Devil, the “ Slain Lamb ” and the “ Great Red Dragon .” The stakes are high. The battlefield is the Church, the “ assemblies ” of Jesus Christ. Satan has no hope of victory if he fails to destroy the Church, and he knows this; therefore, his resources are focused on accomplishing that goal.

The Peresecuting Beast

The Book of Revelation graphically portrays the ongoing cosmic conflict between Satan and Jesus that manifests itself in the daily struggles of the “ Seven Assemblies of Asia .” On Earth, the agents of the “ Dragon ” execute his attacks on the people of God, especially the “ Beast from the Sea ,” the “ False Prophet ,” and “ Babylon, the Great Whore .” This “ war ” is waged by the Devil with deception and compromise even more so than outright persecution and violence.

Rejected In Nazareth

Jesus experienced growing conflict as he began his journey to the city of Jerusalem. In Galilee, he displayed his lordship over nature, demons, disease, and even death, and the crowds welcomed him, at first, enthusiastically. However, among his own people, he was met with unbelief and rejection, and in the  Gospel of Mark , this serves as the prelude to the execution of John the Baptist. More importantly, it becomes the pattern for what disciples of Jesus may expect when they preach the Gospel.