
Showing posts with the label Nations

Salvation for the Nations

The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and true life to men and women of every nation and nationality . Jesus claimed that “all authority in Heaven and on Earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations!” He sent his disciples to announce his Lordship and Salvation to the “ends of the Earth,” to every nation. With Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the Era of Salvation commenced, therefore, his life-giving message must be announced to all men and every people. The Son of God has achieved salvation for humanity!

Bénis les Nations

Le Don de l'Esprit est l'une des promesses de l'Alliance de bénir les nations de la Terre par Abraham et sa Postérité .  Lorsque l'Évangile de Matthieu a déclaré que Jésus est le “ Fils d'Abraham ”, il a lié l'homme de Nazareth à l'Alliance abrahamique. Le Nouveau Testament est rempli de citations bibliques, d'histoires et d'enseignements apostoliques démontrant que Jésus est venu accomplir l'Alliance, et souvent de manière inattendue. Il est la “ Postérité d'Abraham ” attendue et l'héritier de toutes les promesses de l'Alliance, y compris la promesse de “ bénir toutes les nations .”

Bless the Nations

The Gift of the Spirit is one of the covenant promises to bless the nations of the Earth through Abraham and his Seed . When Matthew’s Gospel declared that Jesus is the “ Son of Abraham ,” it was linking the man from Nazareth to the Abrahamic Covenant. The New Testament is filled with scriptural citations, stories, and apostolic teachings demonstrating that Jesus came to fulfill the Covenant though in many unexpected ways. He is the expected “ Seed of Abraham ” and the heir of all the Covenant’s promises, including the promise to “ bless all the nations .”

Pas D'Autre Nom!

Jésus de Nazareth accomplit la promesse de bénir toutes les nations en Abraham. Le Christ est l'héritier du Patriarche et notre seule source de Salut . Au cœur de la doctrine biblique de la rédemption se trouve l'alliance avec Abraham, qui comprenait la promesse que “ toutes les nations de la Terre seront bénies en toi .” Le Patriarche aurait  d'innombrables descendants . L'accomplissement de la promesse ne se trouve qu'en Jésus de Nazareth, car “ il n'y a pas d'autre nom sous le Ciel par lequel nous puissions être sauvés! ”

No Other Name!

Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the promise to bless all nations in Abraham. Christ is the Patriarch’s Heir and our only source of Salvation . Basic to the biblical doctrine of redemption is the covenant with Abraham, which included the promise that “ all the nations of the Earth will be blessed in you .” The Patriarch would have  innumerable descendants . The fulfillment of the promise is found only in Jesus of Nazareth, for “ there is no other name under Heaven whereby we may be saved!”

Le Roi Berger

Le règne de l'Agneau a commencé après sa Mort et sa Résurrection. Depuis lors, il a conduit les nations vers la Nouvelle Jérusalem . Le Livre de l'Apocalypse assure aux congrégations assiégées d'Asie que Jésus règne et a les événements fermement en main malgré les apparences. Sa souveraineté est basée sur sa Mort et sa Résurrection passées. Il est absolu, s'étendant même sur “ la mort et l'Hadès .” Sa Résurrection d'entre les morts a marqué le début de son règne à partir du Trône messianique.

The Victorious Shepherd

The kings and nations of the Earth are found in New Jerusalem because of the Lamb’s redemptive work . The Apostle Paul describes the proclamation of “ Christ crucified ” as “ God’s wisdom and power .” The proposition that God overthrew Sin, Satan, and Death through the execution of a lowly man from the small village of Nazareth is “ foolishness ” to men and contrary to this world’s “wisdom” and ideologies. Even the spiritual “ powers and principalities ” did not understand what God was doing and sealed their fate by crucifying the “ Lord of Glory .”

Notre Mission

La mission de l'Église est de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu à toutes les nations sans exception jusqu'au retour de Jésus . Jésus a ordonné à ses disciples d'annoncer le même message qu'il prêchait. Il l'a résumé comme la “ Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu .” Son Église étendrait ce Royaume sur Terre de manière inattendue et paradoxale. Sa souveraineté sur toutes les nations serait établie et ses “ ennemis ” seraient soumis au jour de son retour. Jusque-là, ses disciples étaient appelés à proclamer son message jusqu'aux “ extrémités de la Terre .”

Our Mission

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations without exception until Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14. Jesus commanded his followers to announce the same message he preached. He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” His Church would spread this Kingdom on Earth in unexpected and paradoxical ways. His sovereignty over all nations would be established and his “ enemies ” would be subdued by the day of his return. Until then, his disciples were summoned to proclaim his message to the “ ends of the Earth .”

Ruler of the Kings of the Earth

Jesus, the Faithful Witness, now reigns supreme over the Kings of the Earth, and he is shepherding the nations to the Holy City of New Jerusalem . Jesus is called the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ” in the Prologue of  Revelation . This declaration is made in the  present tense  since his sovereignty over the Earth is based on his Death and Resurrection. He does not rule by hereditary right, economic power, or military might, but because of his redeeming death. The slain “ Lamb ” is the one who sits on the Throne. His authority extends even over “ Death and Hades .”

I have Enthroned My King

The conspiracy by the Earth’s kings to unseat the Messiah is applied in the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus – Psalm 2:1-6. The Second Psalm is a key passage applied to Jesus multiple times in the New Testament. When were its predictions fulfilled, and is the Messiah reigning now on David’s Throne? Is the world still waiting for his enthronement at a future date? What about the “ revolt ” of nations and kings against the Son of God? Is it a prediction of a coming war between Jesus and earthly governments - (Psalm 2:1-6)?

The Seed of Abraham

Jesus is the Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him . As the Gospel of Matthew declares, Jesus is the “ son of Abraham .” The lowly man from Nazareth is the Messiah and King of Israel, the promised “ Seed ” of the Patriarch. He brings the covenant promises to fulfillment. He is the covenant heir, and our receipt of the inheritance is based on his faithful “ obedience unto death ” and our faith in him. Neither ethnicity nor nationality has anything to do with it.

The Hope of the Nations

The Good News of Jesus Christ and his victory over death offers hope, life, and salvation to men and women of every nation . The covenant promises were never limited to the nation of Israel or the small territory of Canaan. Jesus declared that “ all authority in Heaven and on Earth is given to me, therefore, Go! Make disciples of all nations! ” He sent his disciples to announce his Lordship and Salvation to the “ ends of the Earth ” - To every nation and people. The Promise of the Abrahamic Covenant to bless all nations through the Patriarch’s “ seed ” is coming to fruition through the Nazarene.

Preach the Gospel!

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom and Salvation to all Nations until the moment Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14. Jesus charged his followers with announcing his message to all nations. He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” Through him and his Assembly, the rule of God will be established but in unexpected and paradoxical ways. He will establish his sovereignty over the Earth and subdue the “ Last Enemy, Death ,” by the time of his appearance. His disciples must proclaim his Gospel to the “ uttermost parts of the Earth ” until the last moment!

Shepherding Kings and Nations

The Nations and the Kings of the Earth are found in the City of New Jerusalem because of the redeeming work of the Lamb . The Book of Revelation  presents us with paradoxical images and visions that do not conform to our expectations about how God works. His purpose in subjugating His enemies and judging the nations differs radically from so-called “human wisdom.” Just as his contemporaries did not understand Jesus, so we fail to comprehend the “ Slain Lamb ” and how he is “ shepherding the nations ,” present tense, from the Messianic Throne.

Seulement Certaines Nations?

L'Évangile du Royaume de Dieu est-il un message d'espoir pour certaines nations seulement, ou est-ce une Bonne Nouvelle pour tous les pays et tous les peuples? L'Évangile a souvent été transformé en Bonnes Nouvelles pour certaines nations mais en mauvaises nouvelles pour d'autres — ou, du moins, en un message moins attrayant pour ces dernières. Cela se produit chaque fois que des représentants de l'Église du même Jésus qui a donné sa vie pour le monde associent et identifient même son n om et son message à certaines nations, races, cultures et idéologies politiques.  Croyons-nous que certaines nations et races sont plus privilégiées devant Dieu que d'autres?

Juifs et Gentils

L'égalité des Juifs et des Gentils devant un Dieu impartial et juste est essentielle à l'Évangile de Paul. Ils se tiennent debout ou tombent devant Lui sur la même base . Paul a écrit sa Lettre aux Romains avec deux buts. D'abord, préparer le terrain pour sa visite dans la ville et son voyage missionnaire prévu en Espagne. Deuxièmement, pour faire face aux conflits entre croyants Juifs et Gentils. Dans la Lettre, Paul expliquait son Évangile, puis il discutait du statut du peuple juif et des conflits qui troublaient l'Église romaine.

Ruling the Nations

The “ Son ” portrayed in the twelfth chapter of the  Book of Revelation  is the Messianic figure of the  Second Psalm  destined by God to “ Shepherd the Nations .” Following his enthronement, Heaven declared, “ Now is come the Kingdom of God and the authority of His Messiah .” His reign began following his “ faithful testimony ” in death and his victory through resurrection, the “ firstborn of the dead .”

Blessing Kings and Nations

The foundation of redemption in the Bible is the covenant God made with Abraham. It included the promise that “ all the Nations of the Earth would be blessed ” in the Patriarch, and that he would have innumerable descendants. His offspring would include “ Kings ” and “ Nations .”

Roi des rois

Jésus est appelé le “ Chef des rois de la Terre ” au présent dans le Livre de l'Apocalypse . Sa souveraineté est basée sur sa Mort et sa Résurrection passées, et non sur une conquête militaire. Bien que parfois les “ Rois de la Terre ” obéissent aux commandements de Satan, “ l'Agneau ” tué utilise même leurs complots pour atteindre ses desseins rédempteurs pour l'humanité et les nations de la Terre.