
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Light and Life

Jesus is the only true Light of the World, and his light shines all the brighter amidst the darkness that tyrannizes the present age. All competing claims are false . “ Life ” is found in the “ Word ” or ‘ Logos ’ (λογος), and this life is the “ Light of men .” The Light is “ shining in the darkness ,” and the darkness “ cannot seize ” or suppress it. This same “ Word ” has become the Living Word of God in Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the glory, salvation, and life of God are manifested for all men to see - (John 1:1).

Jésus Sauve!

Le salut et la Rédemption ne se trouvent dans aucun autre nom que ‘Jésus’. Lui seul a remporté la victoire sur le Péché, Satan et la Mort . Jésus de Nazareth a déclaré: “ Tout pouvoir m'a été donné au ciel et sur la terre, allez donc et faites de toutes les nations des disciples .” Il envoya ses disciples annoncer le salut acquis par sa mort “ jusqu'aux extrémités de la Terre .” L'ère du Salut a commencé avec sa Mort et sa Résurrection; par conséquent, son message vivifiant doit être annoncé à tous les hommes. Le Fils de Dieu a obtenu le salut pour son peuple!

Only Jesus Saves!

Salvation and Redemption are found in no other name than ‘Jesus’. He alone achieved victory over Sin, Satan, and Death . Jesus of Nazareth declared: “ All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations .” He sent his disciples to announce the salvation purchased by his death to the “ ends of the Earth .” The Age of Salvation commenced with his Death and Resurrection; therefore, his  life-giving  message must be announced to all men. The Son of God has achieved salvation for his people!

Le Verbe Fait Chair

Le Prologue de l'Évangile de Jean présente des thèmes clés qui sont développés dans le Livre. De manière plus critique, Jésus est le Logos , “ le Verbe fait chair ” en qui la Vie et la Lumière sont révélées aux hommes et aux femmes pénitents. Il est le véritable “ Tabernacle ” où réside la “ Gloire ” de Dieu, pas la tente dans le désert ou la construction du Temple à Jérusalem. Jean utilise des images de l'histoire d'Israël pour illustrer ce que Dieu nous fournit maintenant dans “ Son Fils unique né .”

Jesus, the Key

Jesus is the key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures and reveals the nature and redemptive purposes of the God of Israel . Jesus unveils the knowledge and plans of God - He is the center of his Father’s purposes, especially for the redemption of humanity. He is the key to interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures, and he is qualified to explain and demonstrate the Divine nature. In Jesus of Nazareth, all the promises of God find their “Y ea and Amen! ”

The Living Word

The  Gospel of John  identifies Jesus as the  Logos , the “ Word ” through which God made the Universe. This theme is prominent in the  Gospel of John . It builds on traditional ideas from the Hebrew Bible about how God created the world, especially life through His spoken Word. Jesus of Nazareth is the ultimate expression of that Word spoken by the Living God.

Call His Name Jesus!

Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In this Man of Nazareth, the Salvation promised by the God of Abraham and Israel has arrived for all men . The angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit .” He instructed Joseph to name the child ‘Jesus’: “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” His name pointed to the saving act of God for humanity that was about to be revealed. Men and women would behold the long-promised “Salvation of Yahweh” in Jesus of Nazareth.