
Showing posts with the label Deceivers

The Final Antichrist

The Spirit of the Antichrist is raising up deceivers in the Church, but a final Master Deceiver will appear at the end of the age . The Apostle John applied the term “ antichrists ”, plural, to false teachers who were disrupting his congregations, deceivers who denied that “ Jesus is the Christ ” and “ came in the flesh .” They were driven by the “ Spirit of the Antichrist ” that has been operating in the world since the beginning of human history.

Counterfeit Messiahs

Since the founding of the Church, Satan has sent many deceivers and false prophets to destroy it from within . Popular preaching presents the  Antichrist  as a totalitarian global leader bent on subjugating all the nations of the Earth. However, the New Testament expresses far more concern over deceivers and “ false anointed ones ,” counterfeit messiahs who work inside the Body of Christ to cause disruption, deceit, and apostasy. They are Pied Pipers who lead as many believers as possible to their destruction.

Howling Imposters

The New Testament warns repeatedly of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many to depart from the faith . Jesus warned his disciples about coming “ deceivers ,” “ false Anointed Ones ,” and “ false prophets ” intent on misleading his followers, warnings reiterated and expanded in the writings of his true Apostles. He began his ‘ Olivet Discourse ’ with a stern warning - “ Beware lest anyone deceive you ,” for “ many ” seducers will come and “ deceive many .”

The Antichrist Spirit

The Spirit of the Antichrist works to destroy the church from within through deception propagated by false teachers and false prophets – 1 John 2:18-22. In popular preaching, the  Antichrist  is a political tyrant determined to rule the world for Satan. Yet Jesus and his Apostles expressed far more concern about deceivers who spread false teachings among Christ’s disciples and in the Church. Moreover, the New Testament applies the term ‘ Antichrist ’ to false teachers infiltrating the Body of Christ to distort the Apostolic Tradition.

Deceivers and Disasters

Jesus began his final discourse with a sharp warning - Beware of the “ many deceivers ” who would come and spread false information about his return based on wars, earthquakes, and other calamities. They will “ deceive many .” Likewise, “ false prophets ” and “ false anointed ones ” will propagate lies about his whereabouts and “ coming on the clouds of Heaven .”

An Urgent Warning

Jesus stressed critical information that is vital if his disciples are to avoid deception by false prophets and other deceivers active in the Church . The discourse given by Jesus on the Mount of Olives includes instructions about the future. He warns repeatedly of the “ many deceivers ” and “ false prophets ” who will spread misleading information among his followers about his return and the end of the age, and otherwise strive to hoodwink “ the elect, if possible .” Constant vigilance is vital for recognizing their clever lies. Discernment is necessary for avoiding apostasy. The goal of these deceivers is to dupe and derail the Church.

Jezebel's Siren Song

Human society and institutions are part of Babylon’s domain, but God is summoning His children to separate from her . Scripture teaches the followers of Jesus to live as people who are distinct from the world. Not physically, but morally and spiritually separate from the “ forms ” and ideologies of the present evil age. They are to be “ in the world but not of it .” Their mission is to call other men and women to “ save themselves from this crooked generation ” before Jesus arrives in glory and judges the world.

In the Assembly

The term “antichrist” occurs only in the second and third letters of John, and the Apostle applies the plural form of the Greek noun to deceivers who were spreading false teachings in his congregations. The presence of “ antichrists ” constituted irrefutable evidence that the “ Last Days ” were underway, and the false teachers were the product of the “ Spirit of Antichrist ,” forerunners of the final “ Antichrist ” who was yet to come.

Stand Fast!

After explaining the coming “Apostasy” and the “Man of Lawlessness,” Paul instructed believers in Thessalonica on how to avoid the coming deception and thereby find themselves standing “blameless” before Jesus when he “arrives.” To do so they must “stand fast” by adhering to the teachings and “traditions” of the Apostles. The conclusion to his discussion includes verbal links to his first letter to the Assembly. The second letter was written within a few weeks or months at the most of the first letter.

Proclaiming Another Jesus

When certain “ super-apostles ” began undermining his authority, the Apostle Paul warned the Assembly in Corinth not to heed anyone who “ proclaimed another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or a different spirit, or a different Gospel .” He pointed to the same Jesus that he first proclaimed, the “ Crucified Messiah ,” the Jesus who is the measuring rod against which all other messianic claimants must be evaluated.

The Great Cosmic Conflict

Throughout this age, Satan and his minions are waging an all-out cosmic war against the saints.  And several passages in the Book of Revelation describe this ongoing cosmic war between the “ Dragon ” and the “ Lamb ,” a process that will culminate in a final battle on the “ great day of God Almighty .” This battle will be waged on the Earth as the servants of Satan seek to destroy Christ’s people, the “ saints .” But the consequences of its results will be felt throughout the Cosmos. All life will be changed forever.

The Coming Storm

The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers and the Lawless One before the Day of the Lord arrives . The New Testament repeatedly warns believers that before Jesus returns his Church will be attacked from within by deceivers, “ false anointed ones ,” and “ false prophets .” Before the “ Day of the Lord ” begins, his disciples will be confronted by the “ Man of Lawlessness ” who the Apostle Paul links to the final “ Apostasy ,” the final great “ falling away ” from the true faith.

The False One(s!)

In his first epistle, John declares it is the  Last Hour , a period elsewhere in the New Testament called the “ Last Days .” As evidence of this, he points to the presence of false teachers who are disrupting the congregations under his care. These deceivers are the products and instruments of the “ Spirit of Antichrist ” that is active already in the world, and these very same men are forerunners of the final “ Antichrist ” who is yet to come.

His Repeated Warning

The discourse of Jesus given on the Mount of Olives includes instructions for his disciples about the future. In it, he warns repeatedly of the “ many deceivers ” and “ false prophets ” who will appear among his followers, spreading false information about his return and the end of the age and otherwise striving to mislead “ the elect .” Constant vigilance by his Church is vital for avoiding deception and apostasy.

Mystery of Lawlessness

The “ Mystery of Lawlessness ” is active in the world, and especially so in the Body of Christ as it prepares hearts and minds for the “ arrival ” of the “ Man of Lawlessness ” and the “ Apostasy .” It will continue to do so until the appointed time when this “ Lawless One ” will “ come out of the midst ” and be unveiled in the “ Sanctuary of God .” Moreover, he then will employ “ lying signs and wonders ” to cause those who refuse the “ love of the truth ” to betray the Apostolic faith.