
Showing posts with the label Caesar

Golgotha or Rome

Jesus refused the political power of Rome when Satan offered it. So, why do we insist on seeking the very thing our Master rejected? The teachings of Jesus and his Apostles in multiple ways summon Christians not to be “ unequally yoked together ” with this world and its values. What humanity needs is the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. Since the “ forms ” of this present age are in the process of “ passing away ,” the Church should not waste its efforts on “ working for the meat that perishes ”?

Christ or Caesar

Humanity is divided into two, and only two groups, the followers of the Lamb and the devotees of the Imperial Beast . In the Book of Revelation , every man either “ Tabernacles in Heaven ” or is numbered among the “ Inhabitants of the Earth .” The terms are not geographical but reflect the leader each group chooses to follow. Men either belong to “ Heaven ” or the “ Earth .” Those who elect to follow the Lamb “ wherever he goes ,” tabernacle in heaven. The “ Inhabitants of the Earth ,” in contrast, have chosen to venerate the “ Dragon ” and therefore await a grim fate.

Allégeance à qui?

Seul le Royaume de Dieu prévaudra et durera éternellement. Tous les autres pouvoirs politiques sont transitoires. Déjà ils décèdent . Malgré les prétentions humaines, l'Histoire démontre sans exception l'impermanence du pouvoir politique et des gouvernements. Rome a enduré pendant mille ans, mais l'Empire est tombé tout de même. Comme la vie, le pouvoir politique est transitoire et les régimes s'effondrent souvent rapidement et de manière inattendue lorsque le temps imparti expire. Seul le “ Royaume de Dieu ” durera. Les disciples de Jésus doivent décider aujourd'hui qui ils serviront.

Allegiance to whom?

Only God’s Kingdom will prevail and endure forever. All other political powers are transitory. Already they are passing away . Despite human pretensions, History demonstrates without exception the impermanence of political power and governments. Rome endured for a thousand years, but the Empire fell all the same. Like life, political power is fleeting, and regimes often collapse quickly and unexpectedly when their allotted time expires. Only the “ Kingdom of God ” will endure. Disciples of Jesus must decide today whom they will serve.

Disciples and the State

Paul presents principles of conduct when dealing with the State in his Letter to the Romans . Believers must “ subordinate themselves to governing powers, for there is no authority except by God. ” He wrote this when the infamous emperor, Nero, ruled the Empire. Despite the despotic nature of his regime, he instructed the Church to honor and respect Caesar and his officers.

Kingdom or Christendom

In popular usage, the English term ‘Christendom’ refers to “that part of the world in which Christianity prevails,” either because most of a nation’s citizens claim to be Christian, or because a specific church or denomination is recognized by the State as the country’s official religion. Thus, the nation becomes identified as “Christian,” it is one of the “Christian nations” as opposed to the less enlightened non-Christian peoples and cultures of the planet.

The Ancient Beast

The Beast of Revelation is the embodiment of the ancient power that has been stalking the saints since the fall of Adam . History repeats itself. It is littered with past efforts by tyrants and regimes to dominate the Earth. Each may experience some success, but so far, every empire that has appointed itself sovereign over humanity has floundered in the end. For example, the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar and Caesar’s imperial realm both ceased to exist thousands of years ago.

He Removes Kings

The God of Israel, changes the times and seasons, removes kings, and sets up kings to achieve His purposes . Many church leaders exhort their members to work diligently for the election of politicians of whom they approve, claiming it is God’s will to do so as well as their “Christian duty.” They warn of the dire consequences that will befall the church and the nation if Christians fail to immerse themselves in partisan politics and promote the moral values and social policies endorsed by the institutional church.