To Jerusalem
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- Jérusalem et la Croix - {PDF Copy} - (Jésus a expliqué qu'il se rendait à Jérusalem où le Fils de l'Homme serait arrêté, jugé et execute - Marc 10: 32-34)
- Following the Lamb - {PDF Copy} - (The Messiah of Israel submitted to the way of the Cross and now summons us to follow his example in our daily lives)
- His Transfiguration - {PDF Copy} - (The Transfiguration confirms his status as the Messiah and the necessity for Jesus to suffer before receiving glory)
- Stumped by Unbelief - {PDF Copy} - (Mark 9:14-29 - Unbelief hindered the ability of Jesus to heal and deliver, not any lack of fasting or other ritualistic practices)
- Handed over to Death - {PDF Copy} - (Following Jesus means living a self-sacrificial life of service to others, especially to the weak and the insignificant)
- Faithful or Saltless? - {PDF Copy} - (Faithful disciples will receive great rewards, but those who harm their weaker brethren run the risk of Gehenna)
- Questions About Divorce - {PDF Copy} - (Mark 10:1-16 - Opponents questioned Jesus about divorce to trap him, but he used the issue to teach the higher ways of the Kingdom)
- The Young Rich Man - {PDF Copy} - (To follow Jesus means surrendering one’s entire life and following him wherever he leads with no questions asked – Mark 10:17-31)
- Jerusalem and the Cross - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus explained that he was going to Jerusalem where the Son of Man would be arrested, tried, and executed – Mark 10:32-34)
- My Cup and My Baptism - {PDF Copy} - (His disciples are called to self-sacrificial service for others just as Jesus gave his life to ransom many from sin’s bondage)
- Blind Bar-Timaeus Saved - {PDF Copy} - (Mark 10:46-52 - Jesus restored the sight of a blind beggar while “on the way” to Jerusalem)
- His Triumphal Arrival - {PDF Copy} - (Mark 11:1-11 - At the end of his journey, the destination of Jesus was the Temple in Jerusalem)
- Fruitless Temple - {PDF Copy} - (The cursing of the barren fig tree by Jesus symbolized the coming destruction of the Temple and the fruitlessness of Israel - Mark 11:12-26)
- The Desolate Temple - {PDF Copy} - (When he left the Temple for the last time, Jesus pronounced its coming desolation to his opponents, the Pharisees)
- An Urgent Warning - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus stressed critical information that is vital if his disciples are to avoid deception by false prophets and other deceivers active in the Assembly)
- In the Temple - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus gave his last discourse on Olivet following his final and symbolic departure from the Temple – Mark 12:41-13:4)
- Geographic Scope - {PDF Copy} - (The Olivet Discourse presents two key events linked to different geographic contexts, one regional, the other global)
- Deceivers and Disasters - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus warned of coming deceivers who would mislead many and spread false information about his future return)
- Abomination of Desolation - {PDF Copy} - (When disciples see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it ought not, they must flee Jerusalem without delay)
- Our Decisive Task - {PDF Copy} - (The End will not come until the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations – Matthew 24:14)
- His Repeated Warning - {PDF Copy} - (On the Mount of Olives, Jesus reiterated key information that is necessary for his disciples to avoid deception by false prophets)
- Knowing Times and Seasons - {PDF Copy} - (Instead of calculating times and seasons, followers of Jesus must always be prepared for his sudden arrival)
- Coming on the Clouds - {PDF Copy} - (The whole earth will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of Heaven, and he will then gather his elect to himself –Mark 13:21-27)
- The Budding Fig Tree - {PDF Copy} - (Mark 13:28-29 - The parable of the budding fig tree pointed to the destruction of the Temple predicted by Jesus)
- "This Generation" - {PDF Copy} - (The generation contemporary with Jesus witnessed the events predicted by him that culminated in the Temple’s destruction – Mark 13:28-31)
- The Unrecognized Savior - (Jesus is revealed as the Savior of Mankind in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies) - {PDF Copy}
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[Rugged Trail - Photo by Anthony Gomez on Unsplash] |