

[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. Témoins Courageux - {Copie PDF} - (L'Esprit équipe et encourage l'Église à témoigner de Jésus, en particulier en ce qui concerne sa mort sacrificielle et sa résurrection d'entre les morts)
  2. L'héritage d'Abraham - (Les disciples de Jésus sont les Héritiers d'Abraham, et la possession future de la totalité de l'héritage est garantie par le Don de l'Esprit) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  3. La Promesse du Père - (Avec l'effusion de l'Esprit le jour de la Pentecôte, les bénédictions promises à Abraham pour toutes les nations ont commencé- {Télécharger le PDF}
  4. Esprit et Mission - (Jésus donne le Saint-Esprit à son peuple, lui donnant le pouvoir de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume aux Nations de la Terre) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  5. La Nouvelle Alliance dans l'Esprit - {Copie PDF} - (Le Don de l'Esprit est essentiel à la Nouvelle Alliance promise par Dieu dans la Bible hébraïque pour Son peuple)
  6. Bénis les Nations - (Le Don de l'Esprit est l'une des promesses de l'Alliance de bénir les nations de la Terre par Abraham et sa Postérité) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  7. L'Esprit est la Vie  -  (L'Esprit de Dieu donne la vie, en particulier la vie éternelle dont le Don de l'Esprit est l'avant-goût et la garantie- {Télécharger le PDF}
  8. Le Cœur Circoncis   (La promesse de l'Esprit est vitale pour la rédemption de l'humanité et l'Alliance de Dieu avec Son peuple, l'Assemblée de Jésus-Christ- {Télécharger le PDF}
  9. Héritiers de l'Alliance - (Avec l'effusion de l'Esprit le jour de la Pentecôte, les bénédictions promises à Abraham pour toutes les nations ont commencé) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  10. Temple et Culte - (Jésus a révélé que l'adoration et la présence de Dieu ne se limitent plus à des lieux géographiques ou à des structures artificielles - Jean 4:20-24) - {Télécharger le PDF}

  1. The Promise of the Father - {PDF Copy} - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced)
  2. The Spirit is Life! - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of God imparts life, especially the everlasting life of which the Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee)
  3. The Circumcised Heart - {PDF Copy} - (The promise of the Spirit is vital to the redemption of humanity and the Covenant of God with His people, the Assembly of Jesus Christ)
  4. The Spirit of Promise - {PDF Copy} - (The Promise of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch)
  5. The Spirit and our Inheritance - {PDF Copy} - (The New Covenant includes the Gift of the Spirit, the first fruits of the New Creation, and the gathering of the nations)
  6. In Spirit and Fire - (The Spirit of God descended on Jesus, equipping him for his Messianic mission. He is the One who baptizes his followers in the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
  7. The Spirit and Resurrection - (The Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee of the bodily resurrection and of the coming New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
  8. In the Last Days... - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost signaled the arrival of the last days, just as prophesied by the Prophet Joel – Acts 2:17-21)
  9. The Blessing of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is one of the Covenant promises for blessing the Nations of the Earth through Abraham and his “Seed,” Jesus Christ)
  10. Upon These Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The new era of fulfillment began with the death, resurrection, and exaltation of the Son of God, Jesus - Hebrews 1:1-3)
  11. Life-Giving Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus dispenses the Life-Giving Spirit without which there is no enduring life. His words are spirit, and they are life)
  12. The Man of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed Son of God. From the start, his life was characterized by the empowering presence of the Spirit)
  13. The Age of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, and the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations)
  14. Temple and Worship - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus revealed that worship and the presence of God no longer are limited to geographical locations or man-made structures – John 4:20-24)
  15. The Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The disciples of Jesus are the Heirs of Abraham, and the future possession of the full inheritance is guaranteed by the Gift of the Spirit)
  16. New Covenant in the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is essential to the New Covenant promised by God in the Hebrew Bible for His people)

  1. The Final Harvest - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost fulfilled what the feast symbolized and marked the start of the Final Harvest)
  2. Tarry in Jerusalem - {PDF Copy- (Jesus commanded his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Spirit, empowering them to be his witnesses on the Earth- Acts 1:1-11)
  3. Between Law and Spirit - {PDF Copy- (Between the ascension and the outpouring of the Spirit, the apostles pray and appoint Matthias to complete their number)
  4. When Pentecost Arrived - {PDF Copy- (On the day of Pentecost, the time of fulfillment arrived when Jesus bestowed the gift of the Spirit on his church)
  5. "What Does This Mean?" -- {PDF Copy- (The outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost caused a great commotion and much consternation in Jerusalem)
  6. Pentecost and the Last Days - {PDF Copy- (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost signaled the arrival of the last days, the era of salvation and fulfillment)
  7. First Sermon - {PDF Copy- (Peter explained what God accomplished in Jesus to a confused crowd on the Day of Pentecost, stressing fulfillment in Jesus)
  8. As many as He Calls - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is for every man who repents, even to those afar off, and this is in fulfillment of the Promise - Acts 2:37-41)
  9. Pentecost - Outcome - {PDF Copy} - (Acts 2:42-47 - Following the events of the Day of Pentecost, the congregation established itself as a fellowship of believers centered in Jerusalem)
  10. Signs on the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (The prophecy in the book of Joel sets the tone for Acts, including the signs and wonders that accompany the gospel)
  11. Boldness in the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (In response to threats from the high priests, the young church was filled with great boldness of speech by the Spirit)
  12. Stephen Bears Witness - {PDF Copy} - (Under the guidance of the Spirit, and in fulfillment of Scripture, Stephen gives effective testimony to the leaders of Israel)
  13. To Samaria - {PDF Copy} - (Despite persecution, or perhaps because of it, the disciple began to preach the gospel outside Judea, beginning in Samaria)
  14. Spirit and Mission - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus dispenses the Gift of the Spirit to his people to empower them to carry out the proclamation of the Gospel to the Earth)
  15. Bold Witnesses - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit equips and emboldens the Church to bear witness to Jesus, especially concerning his sacrificial death and resurrection from the dead)

Downpour - Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash
[Downpour - Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash]


Lord and Messiah

Beguiling Miracles