

[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. La Plénitude de Dieu - (La plénitude, la grâce et la vérité de Dieu ne se trouvent que dans la Parole faite Chair, à savoir Jésus-Christ de Nazareth - Jean 1:14-18) -  {Télécharger le PDF}
  2. Jésus est Roi - (Le Nouveau Testament applique les promesses messianiques des Psaumes au règne actuel de Jésus. Il est CHRIST LE ROI!) -  {Télécharger le PDF}
  3. Jésus Règne - (Le règne actuel du Christ a commencé avec son exaltation sur le Trône messianique après sa Mort et sa Résurrection - Psaumes 110:1) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  4. Son nom est Jésus - (“Jésus” signifie “Yahvé sauve.” Dans l'homme de Nazareth, le salut promis par le Dieu d'Israël est arrivé dans toute sa gloire) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  5. L'Expression de Dieu - (Jésus est le Logos fait chair, la demeure et la manifestation de la nature et de la gloire de Dieu - Jean 1: 14- {Télécharger le PDF}
  6. Jésus, la Clé - (Jésus est la clé qui ouvre les Écritures hébraïques et révèle la nature et les desseins rédempteurs du Dieu d'Israël- {Télécharger le PDF}
  7. Le Roi Berger - (Le règne de l'Agneau a commencé après sa Mort et sa Résurrection. Depuis lors, il a conduit les nations vers la Nouvelle Jérusalem) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  8. Le Serviteur Royal - (Après son baptême dans le Jourdain, la Voix du Ciel a identifié Jésus comme le Fils de Dieu et le Serviteur du Seigneur) -  {Télécharger le PDF}
  9. Fils de l'Homme - (Celui qui ressemble au Fils de l'Homme dans Daniel est la source de l'auto-désignation du Christ comme Fils de l'Homme et de son autorité royale) -  {Télécharger le PDF}
  10. Lumière et Vie - (Jésus est la seule vraie Lumière du Monde, et sa lumière brille d'autant plus au milieu des ténèbres qui dominent l'âge actuel. Toutes les affirmations concurrentes sont fausses- {Télécharger le PDF}
  11. Digne est l'Agneau! - (La souveraineté du Christ est basée sur sa Mort et sa Résurrection, le fondement inébranlable de son règne actuel dans le Livre de l'Apocalypse) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  12. Connaître Dieu - (Jésus est la clé qui ouvre les Écritures hébraïques, la prophétie biblique et les Mystères de Dieu. Lui seul révèle le Père) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  13. Le Temple Construit par Dieu - (Jésus est le Sanctuaire final où habite la gloire de Dieu, la gloire préfigurée dans l'ancien Tabernacle et le Temple-Jean 2:13-22) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  14. Le Dernier Temple - (Jésus est le Dernier et Véritable Temple préfiguré dans l'ancien Tabernacle et le Temple de pierre ultérieur de Jérusalem) - {Télécharger le PDF}

  1. Call His Name Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the Nazarene, the salvation promised to Israel has arrived in all its glory)
  2. No Other Name! - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the promise to bless all nations in Abraham. Christ is the Patriarch’s Heir, and the only source of Salvation)
  3. Who is this Man? - {PDF Copy} - (In Mark, no one recognizes who Jesus is except the demons that he exorcises. Only in his death on a Roman cross is his identity understood)
  4. Herald of the Kingdom - {PDF Copy} - (After his baptism, the Spirit drove Jesus into the Wilderness to be tested by the Devil. But he overcame and succeeded where Israel failed)
  5. The Suffering Servant - {PDF Copy} - (Paul summoned believers to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others – Philippians 2:5-11)
  6. Son of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son of Abraham and the heir of the promises, the One who fulfills and implements the inheritance for his people)
  7. Son of David - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the son of David and heir to the Messianic Throne, the beloved Son of God, and the Suffering Servant of Yahweh)
  8. Son of Man - {PDF Copy} - (The One like the Son of Man in Daniel is the source of Christ’s self-designation as the Son of Man and his royal authority)
  9. His Authority - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son of Man foreseen by Daniel, the Messiah who has absolute authority from God over the peoples of the Earth)
  10. The Seed of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
  11. The Man of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed Son of God. From the start, his life was characterized by the empowering presence of the Spirit)
  12. Jesus Refused Satan's Offer - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus rejected Satan’s offer of unlimited political power and instead chose of the way of the Suffering Servant)
  13. His Priestly Qualifications - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus qualified to become our high priest by participating fully in human suffering, weakness, and death)
  14. Merciful and Faithful Priest - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic high priest, having participated fully in humanity’s plight)
  15. I have Enthroned My King - {PDF Copy} - (The conspiracy by the Earth’s kings to unseat the Messiah is applied in the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus – Psalm 2:1-6)
  16. In Spirit and Fire - (The Spirit of God descended on Jesus, equipping him for his Messianic mission. He is the One who baptizes his followers in the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
  17. The Unrecognized Savior - (Jesus is revealed as the Savior of Mankind in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies) - {PDF Copy}
  18. Once For All - {PDF Copy} - (The promise of a New Covenant finds its fulfillment in the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus and his superior priesthood)
  19. The Royal Servant - {PDF Copy} - (Following his baptism in the Jordan River, the Voice from Heaven identified Jesus as the Son of God and the Servant of the LORD)
  20. The Tent God Pitched - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus intercedes without ceasing for his people in the true heavenly Tabernacle, one not made with human hands but pitched by God)
  21. Life-Giving Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus dispenses the Life-Giving Spirit without which there is no enduring life. His words are spirit, and they are life)

  1. The Fullness of God - {PDF Copy} - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, namely, Jesus Christ of Nazareth – John 1:14-18)
  2. The Word Made Flesh - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Logos made flesh, the true Tabernacle where the Glory of God is revealed and the One who reveals Grace and Truth – John 1:14)
  3. Humanity's Only Hope - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the true Light of the World, the expression of God, and the only source of truth, life, and salvation)
  4. His Mysteries Revealed - {PDF Copy} - (The mysteries of God previously hidden are revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, and especially in his death and resurrection)
  5. The Glory of God - {PDF Copy} - (Ever since the Word became flesh, the Divine Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth and all who follow him behold it – John 1:14)
  6. Knowing God - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures, Bible prophecy, and the Mysteries of God. He alone reveals the Father)
  7. The Living Word - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Word made flesh in whom the glory of God is revealed, the same word by which God created all things)
  8. God Has Spoken! - {PDF Copy} - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial)
  9. Fulfilled in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The promises of the Hebrew Bible are fulfilled in the Son of God and Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth)
  10. Power and Wisdom - {PDF Copy} - (The power and wisdom of God are found in the proclamation of a Messiah who was crucified on a Roman cross)
  11. Upon These Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The age of fulfillment began with the death, resurrection, and exaltation of the Son of God - Hebrews 1:1-3)
  12. Jesus, the Key - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures and reveals the nature and redemptive purposes of the God of Israel)
  13. Grace and Truth - {PDF Copy} - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, namely, Jesus of Nazareth – John 1:14-18)
  14. Revealing the Unseen God - {PDF Copy} - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, Jesus, who alone has seen the unseen God – John 1:14-18)
  15. The True Tabernacle - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Greater Tabernacle in whom the presence and glory of God reside and manifest for all men to behold – John 1:14)
  16. The House of God - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the true and only way of access to the Father, the Greater Bethel, and the House of God – John 1:47-50)
  17. The Temple Built by God - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Final Sanctuary where the glory of God dwells, the glory foreshadowed in the ancient Tabernacle and Temple – John 2:13-22)
  18. Temple and Worship - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus revealed that worship and the presence of God no longer are limited to geographical locations or man-made structures – John 4:20-24)
  19. The Final Temple - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Greater and Final Temple prefigured in the ancient Tabernacle and the later Temple building in Jerusalem)
  20. Mysteries Revealed in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Scripture declares that all God’s mysteries are revealed in Jesus. So, why are we looking for revelation elsewhere? - Romans 16:25)
  21. Light and Life - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the only true Light of the World, and his light shines all the brighter amidst the darkness that tyrannizes the present age. All competing claims are false)

  1. Christus Rex - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies messianic promises from the Psalms to the present reign of Jesus. He is CHRIST THE KING!)
  2. Jesus is King - {PDF Copy} - (Christ’s reign from the Messianic Throne began following his Death, Resurrection, and Exaltation to God’s presence – Psalms 110:1)
  3. The Victorious Shepherd - {PDF Copy} - (The kings and nations of the Earth are found in New Jerusalem because of the Lamb’s redemptive work)
  4. His Exceptional Kingdom - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus proclaimed a new and different political reality, the Kingdom of God, and it bears little resemblance to the governments of this world)
  5. The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus, the Faithful Witness, now reigns supreme over the Kings of the Earth, and he is shepherding the nations to the Holy City of New Jerusalem)
  6. His Present Reign - {PDF Copy} - (The present reign of Jesus began with his exaltation to the messianic Throne following his death and resurrection – Psalms 110:1)
  7. The Anointed King and Son of God - {PDF Copy} - (Psalm 2:1-9 Jesus is the promised Messiah, the King who reigns on David’s throne, and the anointed Son of God)
  8. Allegiance to whom? - {PDF Copy} - (Only God’s Kingdom will prevail and endure forever. All other political powers are transitory. Already they are passing away)
  9. Reigning from Zion - {PDF Copy} -(Following his resurrection, Jesus began his reign from the Messianic Throne as prophesied by David – Psalm 2:6-9)
  10. The Shepherd King - {PDF Copy} - (The Lamb’s reign commenced with his Death and Resurrection. Since then, he has been shepherding the nations to the Holy City, New Jerusalem)
  11. He Removes Kings - {PDF Copy} - (Yahweh, the God of Israel, changes the times and seasons, removes kings, and sets up kings as He to achieve His purposes)
  12. Ruling the Nations - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the promised King of the line of David who guides the Nations of the Earth to New Jerusalem – Revelation 12:5)
  13. Worthy is the Lamb - {PDF Copy} - (Christ’s sovereignty is based on his Death and Resurrection, the immovable foundation of his present reign in the Book of Revelation)

Aegean Sea Photo by Thomas Summer on Unsplash
[Aegean Sea Photo by Thomas Summer on Unsplash]


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