Good News


[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. Pas D'Autre Nom! - (Jésus de Nazareth accomplit la promesse de bénir toutes les nations en Abraham. Le Christ est l'héritier du Patriarche et la seule source de Salut- {Télécharger le PDF}
  2. Témoins Courageux - {Copie PDF} - (L'Esprit équipe et encourage l'Église à témoigner de Jésus, en particulier en ce qui concerne sa mort sacrificielle et sa résurrection d'entre les morts)
  3. Esprit et Mission - (Jésus donne le Saint-Esprit à son peuple, lui donnant le pouvoir de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume aux Nations de la Terre) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  4. Un Homme Nouveau - (Par sa Mort et sa Résurrection, Jésus a formé une nouvelle communauté d'alliance - Un Nouvel Homme - basée sur la foi en lui - Éphésiens 2: 11-22) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  5. L'Évangile de Dieu - (Paul présente son Évangile dans Romains de la détresse de l'humanité due au péché à la résurrection des morts et à la Nouvelle Création) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  6. Bénis les Nations - (Le Don de l'Esprit est l'une des promesses de l'Alliance de bénir les nations de la Terre par Abraham et sa Postérité) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  7. Jésus Sauve! - (Le salut et la Rédemption ne se trouvent dans aucun autre nom que ‘Jésus’. Lui seul a remporté la victoire sur le Péché, Satan et la Mort) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  8. Salut pour les Nations - (La Bonne Nouvelle annoncée par Jésus de Nazareth offre le salut et la vraie vie aux hommes et aux femmes de toutes nations et nationalités) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  9. Le Seul Espoir de l'Humanité - (Jésus est la vraie Lumière du Monde, l'expression de Dieu et la seule source de vérité, de vie et de salut) - {Télécharger le PDF}
  10. Bénir les Nations et les Rois - (La promesse de bénir toutes les nations en Abraham culmine dans la multitude innombrable des Rachetés habitant la Nouvelle Jérusalem) - {Télécharger le PDF}

  1. The Hope of the Nations - (The Good News of Jesus Christ and his victory over death offers hope, life, and salvation and life to men and women of every nation) - {PDF Copy}
  2. Only Jesus Saves! - (Salvation and Redemption are found in no other name than ‘Jesus’. He alone achieved victory over Sin, Satan, and Death) - {PDF Copy}
  3. One People in Christ Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (By his Death and Resurrection, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him – Ephesians 2:11-22)
  4. Salvation for the Nations - {PDF Copy- (The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and true life to men and women of every nation and nationality)
  5. No Other Name! - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the promise to bless all nations in Abraham. Christ is the Patriarch’s Heir, and the only source of Salvation)
  6. Our Mission - {PDF Copy} - (The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations without exception until Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14)
  7. The City Built by Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (New Jerusalem will be populated to fulfill the promise to bless all nations through Abraham – Revelation 21:24-22:5)
  8. Life-Giving Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus dispenses the Life-Giving Spirit without which there is no enduring life. His words are spirit, and they are life)
  9. Bless the Nations - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is one of the covenant promises to bless the nations of the Earth through Abraham and his Seed)
  10. Redemption - {PDF Copy} - (Salvation includes the resurrection of the saints and the New Creation, both of which will occur when Jesus arrives from Heaven)
  11. Saved by His Life - {PDF Copy} - (Paul’s Gospel from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead through Jesus of Nazareth)
  12. The Victorious Shepherd - {PDF Copy} - (The kings and nations of the Earth are found in New Jerusalem because of the Lamb’s redemptive work)
  13. Shepherding Kings and Nations - {PDF Copy} - (The nations and the Kings of the Earth are found in the City of New Jerusalem because of the redeeming work of the Lamb)
  14. The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus, the Faithful Witness, now reigns supreme over the Kings of the Earth, and he is shepherding the nations to the Holy City of New Jerusalem)
  15. Call His Name Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the Nazarene, the salvation promised to Israel has arrived in all its glory)
  16. Light and Life - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the only true Light of the World, and his light shines all the brighter amidst the darkness that tyrannizes the present age. All competing claims are false)
  17. The Living Word - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Word made flesh in whom the glory of God is revealed, the same word by which God created all things)
  18. Son of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son of Abraham and the heir of the promises, the One who fulfills and implements the inheritance for his people)
  19. Only Some Nations? - {PDF Copy} - (Is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God a message of hope for only some nations, or is it Good News for all countries and peoples?)
  20. Message and Mission - {PDF Copy- (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth)
  21. Both Jews and Greeks - {PDF Copy- (The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis)
  22. Plight to Solution - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, Paul argues from plight to solution as he presents his gospel to the churches of Rome, a message for both Jews and Greeks)
  23. The Seed of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
  24. Blessing Kings and Nations - {PDF Copy} - (The promise to bless all nations in Abraham culminates in the innumerable multitude of the Redeemed inhabiting New Jerusalem)
  25. The Faith of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers who live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
  26. His Incomparable Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus inaugurated the superior New Covenant through his Death and Resurrection, rendering the old covenant obsolete – Hebrews 8:6-13)
  27. God's Righteousness - {PDF Copy} - (The righteousness of God refers to His faithfulness. He fulfills His promises, and this is demonstrated by the salvation He has provided in Jesus)
  28. The True Tabernacle - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Greater Tabernacle in whom the presence and glory of God reside and manifest for all men to behold – John 1:14)
  29. The Age of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, and the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations)
  30. The Purification of Sins - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God where he now intercedes for his people as their faithful High Priest)
  31. Merciful and Faithful Priest - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic high priest, having participated fully in humanity’s plight)
  32. The Gospel of God - {PDF Copy} - (Paul presents his Gospel in Romans from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead and the New Creation)
  33. Revealing the Unseen God - {PDF Copy} - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, Jesus, who alone has seen the unseen God – John 1:14-18)
  34. The Glory of God - {PDF Copy} - (Ever since the Word became flesh, the Divine Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth and all who follow him behold it – John 1:14)
  35. Awaiting His Son - {PDF Copy} - (The Thessalonians received the gospel in tribulation but remained faithful while anticipating the arrival of Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)
  36. To the Ends of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (The Good News announced by Jesus offers salvation and life to men and women of every nation, tribe, tongue, and people)
  37. Humanity's Only Hope - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the true Light of the World, the expression of God, and the only source of truth, life, and salvation)

Alone at Sunrise - Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash
[Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash]


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