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- L'Évangile de Dieu - (Paul présente son Évangile dans Romains de la détresse de l'humanité due au péché à la résurrection des morts et à la Nouvelle Création) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Selon l'Écriture - (Paul présente son ministère à l'Église de Rome et commence à expliquer l'Évangile en identifiant les qualifications messianiques du Christ) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Salut et Colère - (Paul présente son évangile aux assemblées de Rome, un message pour tous les hommes sur le salut et la colère de Dieu) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Juifs et Gentils - (L'égalité des Juifs et des Gentils devant un Dieu impartial et juste est essentielle à l'Évangile de Paul. Ils se tiennent debout ou tombent devant Lui sur la même base) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Le Message de l'Évangile - (Jésus a convoqué ses disciples pour proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume à tous les coins habités de la Terre) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La Justice de Dieu - (La justice de Dieu se réfère à Sa fidélité. Il accomplit Ses promesses, et cela est démontré par le salut qu'Il a fourni en Jésus) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La foi d'Abraham - (La foi d'Abraham incirconcis est un exemple pour les croyants juifs et gentils qui vivent de la foi de Jésus - Romains 4: 11-17) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- L'héritage d'Abraham - (Les disciples de Jésus sont les Héritiers d'Abraham, et la possession future de la totalité de l'héritage est garantie par le Don de l'Esprit) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Jésus Sauve! - (Le salut et la Rédemption ne se trouvent dans aucun autre nom que ‘Jésus’. Lui seul a remporté la victoire sur le Péché, Satan et la Mort) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La Mort, le Dernier Ennemi - (L'arrivée de Jésus à la fin de l'âge signifiera la résurrection et la fin du Dernier Ennemi, à savoir la Mort - 1 Corinthiens 15: 24-28) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Jésus Vaincu La Mort! - (Paul a rappelé à Timothée la résurrection de Jésus et sa victoire sur la mort puisque de faux enseignants niaient la résurrection future des croyants) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Notre Salut Achevé - (La résurrection corporelle des morts est au cœur de la doctrine du salut enseignée par la Foi Apostolique. La résurrection aura lieu lorsque Jésus reviendra) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La Rédemption - (Le salut inclut la résurrection des saints et la Nouvelle Création. Les deux événements se produiront lorsque Jésus arrivera du Ciel) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La Rédemption de notre Corps - (Paul relie la résurrection corporelle des croyants à la Nouvelle Création. Les deux événements sont vitaux pour notre rédemption complete - Romains 8: 1-23) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist - (L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist travaille à détruire l'Église de l'intérieur par la tromperie propagée par de faux enseignants et de faux prophètes – 1 Jean 2: 18-22) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Imposteurs Hurlants - (Le Nouveau Testament met en garde à plusieurs reprises contre la venue de trompeurs et de faux prophètes qui amèneront beaucoup de gens à s'éloigner de la foi) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Enseignement Digne De Confiance - (La Mort réelle et la Résurrection corporelle du Christ sont fondamentales et indispensables à la Foi apostolique) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Lumière et Vie - (Jésus est la seule vraie Lumière du Monde, et sa lumière brille d'autant plus au milieu des ténèbres qui dominent l'âge actuel. Toutes les affirmations concurrentes sont fausses) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- L'Esprit est la Vie - (L'Esprit de Dieu donne la vie, en particulier la vie éternelle dont le Don de l'Esprit est l'avant-goût et la garantie) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Accomplissement en Jésu - (Les promesses de la Bible hébraïque s'accomplissent dans le Fils de Dieu et Messie d'Israël, Jésus de Nazareth) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Dieu a parlé! - (Dieu a prononcé Sa parole définitive en Son Fils. Toutes les paroles précédentes données par les prophètes étaient préparatoires et partielles) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Ne Désespérez pas! - (La résurrection corporelle des justes morts, lorsque Jésus arrivera dans la gloire, est fondamentale pour l'espérance future du croyant) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- L'Antéchrist Final - (L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist suscite des séducteurs dans l'Église, mais un Maître Séducteur final apparaîtra à la fin de l'âge) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Sacrifice une fois pour Toutes - (La Nouvelle Alliance résulte du sacrifice une fois pour toutes de Jésus et de son sacerdoce supérieur basé sur sa vie de résurrection) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- La Tente de la Rencontre - (Depuis que la Parole est devenue chair, la Gloire de Dieu a été manifestée en Jésus de Nazareth, et tous ceux qui croient en lui voient Sa splendeur) - {Télécharger le PDF}
- Awaiting His Son - {PDF Copy} - (The Thessalonians received the gospel in tribulation but remained faithful while anticipating the arrival of Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)
- Appointed for Tribulation - {PDF Copy} - (The disciple who faithfully bears witness to the Gospel and Jesus will endure tribulation and persecution for his sake)
- Crown of Boasting - {PDF Copy} - (If the Thessalonians continue to emulate the apostolic example, they will receive the Crown of Glory when Jesus arrives from Heaven – 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20)
- Blameless in Holiness - {PDF Copy} - (Paul prays for the Thessalonians to be found holy and blameless on the day when Jesus arrives in glory – 1 Thessalonians 3:13)
- The Dead in Christ - {PDF Copy} - (Paul responded to concerns about the dead in Christ by pointing to the resurrection that will occur when Jesus arrives from Heaven – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
- Despair Not! - {PDF Copy} - (Foundational to the believer’s future hope is the bodily resurrection of the righteous dead when Jesus arrives in glory)
- Times, Signs and Seasons - {PDF Copy} - (Paul does not detail the times and seasons since the Thessalonians understand that the Lord will come like a thief in the night – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
- Sons of Light - {PDF Copy} - (The Day of the Lord will mean salvation for the Sons of Light, believers who remain vigilant while awaiting its sudden arrival – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
- Sanctified Wholly - {PDF Copy} - (Considering the future arrival of Jesus, Paul summons the Assembly to become sanctified completely by that Day – 1 Thessalonians 5:23)
- Just Judgment of God - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mean vindication and rest for the righteous, but everlasting loss for the wicked - 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- The Coming Storm - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers and the Lawless One before the Day of the Lord arrives)
- Disinformation - {PDF Copy} - (Disinformation about the day of the Lord caused alarm in the congregation at Thessalonica – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2)
- The Day of the Lord - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus will arrive to gather his people on the Day of the Lord. In the New Testament, this event becomes the Day of Christ)
- Two Missing Events - {PDF Copy} - (Two events must occur before the Day of the Lord comes, the Apostasy and the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness)
- The Apostasy - {PDF Copy} - (Paul warned the Thessalonians of the future apostasy which he linked to the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness, the Son of Destruction)
- The Son of Destruction - {PDF Copy} - (Many saints will apostatize when the Lawless One, the Son of Destruction, seats himself in the sanctuary of God)
- Seated in the Sanctuary - {PDF Copy} - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he seats himself in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- God's Dwelling Place - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies Temple language and imagery from the Hebrew Bible to the Body of Christ, the true Sanctuary of God)
- Until Revealed - {PDF Copy} - (The mystery of lawlessness is at work preparing the way for the unveiling of the Lawlessness One – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-7)
- The Mystery of Lawlessness - {PDF Copy} - (The Mystery of Lawlessness is preparing the way for the unveiling of the Lawless One who will cause many believers to apostatize)
- Beguiling Miracles - {PDF Copy} - (The Son of Destruction will use deceitful signs and lying wonders to mislead many saints into abandoning the Faith – 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9)
- The Lawless One Destroyed - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus will destroy the works of the Lawless One and paralyze him at his glorious arrival on the Day of the Lord)
- Stand Fast! - {PDF Copy} - (Believers prepare for the Apostasy and the coming Man of Lawlessness by committing themselves to the traditions received from the Apostles)
- His Arrival - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mean the resurrection of the dead, the commencement of the New Creation, and the final judgment)
- The Redemption - {PDF Copy} - (Salvation includes the resurrection of the saints and the New Creation. Both events will occur when Jesus arrives from Heaven)
- Conflict in Galatia - {PDF Copy} - (The key issue in Galatia was whether Gentiles must be circumcised and keep some, at least, of the deeds required by the Torah)
- Without Circumcision - {PDF Copy} - (With the new era inaugurated by Jesus, circumcision is no longer the required sign of membership in the covenant community)
- Proclaiming Another Gospel - {PDF Copy} - (The Judaizing faction in Galatia proclaimed a message that deviated from the Apostolic Tradition and twisted the true Gospel – Galatians 1:6-12)
- Delivered from this Evil Age - {PDF Copy} - (Paul anchored all that God has done in the resurrection of Jesus, which also inaugurated the Messianic Age - Galatians 1:1-5)
- The Spirit is Life! - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of God imparts life, especially the everlasting life of which the Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee)
- His All-Sufficiency - {PDF Copy} - (Paul responds to his opponents by emphasizing the all-sufficiency of the faithful act of Jesus in his obedience unto death – Galatians 2:15-21)
- Having started in the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The receipt of the Spirit while in an uncircumcised state is irrefutable proof that Gentiles are accepted by God as Gentiles)
- Evidence of Sonship - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit demonstrates beyond question who belongs to the Holy Covenant Community of Jesus, and who does not)
- Limits of the Law - {PDF Copy} - (The jurisdiction of the Mosaic regulations over the covenant community reached its limit with the arrival of Jesus, the Seed of Abraham)
- The Spirit of Promise - {PDF Copy} - (The Promise of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch)
- Jews and Gentiles - Covenant Heirs - {PDF Copy} - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations of the Abrahamic Covenant commenced)
- The Seed of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
- The Circumcised Heart - {PDF Copy} - (The promise of the Spirit is vital to the redemption of humanity and the Covenant of God with His people, the Assembly of Jesus Christ)
- Neither Jew nor Greek - {PDF Copy} - (Returning to the custodianship of the Law would mean rebuilding the wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles)
- This Evil Age - {PDF Copy} - (The death of Jesus inaugurated the messianic age with consequent changes in the status of the Law and God’s people)
- Rudimentary Things - {PDF Copy} - (The Messianic Age dawned in Jesus, and calendrical rituals and other Levitical regulations belong to the old order)
- Rebuilding Walls - {PDF Copy} - (Insisting on a Torah-observant lifestyle would result in the restoration of the old social barriers between Jews and Gentiles)
- The Gospel of God - {PDF Copy} - (Paul presents his Gospel in Romans from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead and the New Creation)
- According to Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Paul introduces his ministry to the Church of Rome and begins explaining the Gospel by identifying Christ’s messianic qualifications)
- Both Jews and Greeks - {PDF Copy} - (The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis)
- One Message for All Men - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus calls us to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every nation and inhabited part of the Earth)
- God's Righteousness - {PDF Copy} - (The righteousness of God refers to His faithfulness. He fulfills His promises, and this is demonstrated by the salvation He has provided in Jesus)
- Salvation and Wrath - {PDF Copy} - (Paul presents his gospel to the assemblies of Rome, a message for all men about God’s salvation and wrath)
- The Power of God - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, Paul presents his Gospel from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead and the New Creation)
- Saved by His Life - {PDF Copy} - (Paul’s Gospel from humanity's plight due to sin to the resurrection of the dead through Jesus of Nazareth)
- Righteousness and Wrath - {PDF Copy} - (According to Paul, a day of wrath is coming when the wicked will pay the ultimate price for their disobedience to God – Romans 2:5)
- Plight to Solution - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, Paul argues from plight to solution as he presents his gospel to the churches of Rome, a message for both Jews and Greeks)
- The Works of the Law - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, references to justification from works have a specific category of works in view, the works required by the Mosaic Law)
- Disciples and the State - {PDF Copy} - (Paul instructed believers living in the Roman Empire not to resist the government since its authority is arranged by God – Romans 13:1-8)
- Spirit and Resurrection - (The Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee of the bodily resurrection and of the coming New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
- The Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The disciples of Jesus are the Heirs of Abraham, and the future possession of the full inheritance is guaranteed by the Gift of the Spirit)
- The Faith of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers who live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
- Coheirs with Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The covenant with Abraham is fulfilled in Jesus, his seed and heir, including the promise of land – Romans 8:1-23)
- Redeeming our Bodies - {PDF Copy} - (Paul links the bodily resurrection of believers to the New Creation, and both events are part of the promised redemption – Romans 8:1-23)
- Completing our Salvation - {PDF Copy} - (Central to the hope of the Apostolic Faith is the bodily resurrection of the dead. This will occur when Jesus appears at the end of the age)
- Food and Calendars - {PDF Copy} - (Paul argues for tolerance in the church on food regulations and the observation of holy days – The shadows now find their fulfillment in Jesus)
- Love your Enemy - {PDF Copy} - (When we react to hostility with hostility, whether by government, society, or individuals, Satan triumphs)
- The Ends of the Ages - {PDF Copy} - (The Apostle Paul linked the commencement of the Last Days to the death and resurrection of Jesus, the hinge on which History has turned)
- The Day of our Lord Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus will arrive on the Day of the Lord at which time the dead will be raised, the wicked judged, and death will cease forever)
- Power and Wisdom - {PDF Copy} - (The power and wisdom of God are found in the proclamation of a Messiah who was crucified on a Roman cross)
- The Assembly of God - {PDF Copy} - (The term “assembly” or ‘ekklésia’ in the New Testament is derived from the Assembly of Yahweh gathered for worship recorded in the Hebrew Bible)
- Final Events - {PDF Copy} -(In explaining the future resurrection, Paul lists key events that will precede or coincide with the arrival of Jesus at the end of the age)
- Proclaiming Another Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Is Jesus still the Messiah who died on Calvary to save the world, or has he become a roaring Lion hellbent on taking vengeance on his enemies?)
- The Spiritual Man - {PDF Copy} - (The spiritually-minded man understands that the Gospel of Christ Crucified is God’s true power and wisdom - 1 Corinthians 2:14)
- Death, the Last Enemy - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus at the end of the age will mean the resurrection and the end of the Last Enemy, namely, Death - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28)
- Fulfilled in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The promises of the Hebrew Bible are fulfilled in the Son of God and Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth)
- Until the Day of Christ - {PDF Copy} - (Paul expresses his goal of going on to perfection, a process that will culminate in our physical resurrection when Jesus arrives)
- Spiritual Warfare - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples wage spiritual warfare with Satan through right conduct, acts of love and mercy, and by proclaiming the Gospel)
- Resurrection Power - {PDF Copy} - (In Philippians, Paul expresses his goal of going on to perfection, a process that will culminate in the resurrection when Jesus arrives)
- The Suffering Servant - {PDF Copy} - (Paul summoned believers to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others – Philippians 2:5-11)
- One People in Christ Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (By his Death and Resurrection, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him – Ephesians 2:11-22)
- The Mind of Christ - {PDF Copy} - (The submission of Jesus to an unjust death becomes the paradigm for the love and service to others that disciples are summoned to manifest)
- Firstborn of the Dead - {PDF Copy} - (To the Colossians, Paul emphasizes the exalted position of Jesus attained by him through his Death and Resurrection – Colossians 1:18-19)
- God's One Household - {PDF Copy} - (The promises, types, and shadows of the Hebrew Bible are fulfilled by the Son of God and Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth)
- Jesus Conquered Death! - {PDF Copy} - (Paul reminded Timothy of Christ’s own resurrection since false teachers were denying the future resurrection of believers)
- Trustworthy Teaching - {PDF Copy} - (Christ’s real Death and bodily Resurrection are foundational and indispensable to the Apostolic Faith)
- Howling Imposters - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament warns repeatedly of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many disciples to depart from the faith)
- Antichrists in the Assembly - {PDF Copy} - (Throughout the present age, the Church is being plagued by deceivers from within who are sent to destroy the Body of Christ)
- The Antichrist Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of the Antichrist works to destroy the church from within through deception propagated by false teachers and false prophets – 1 John 2:18-22)
- Counterfeit Messiahs - {PDF Copy} - (Since the founding of the Church, Satan has sent many deceivers and false prophets to destroy it from within)
- The Final Antichrist - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of the Antichrist is raising up deceivers in the Church, but a final Master Deceiver will appear at the end of the age)
- God Has Spoken! - {PDF Copy} - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial)
- The Purification of Sins - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God where he now intercedes for his people as their faithful High Priest)
- These Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The era of the Levitical priesthood terminated with the arrival of the word in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our High Priest forevermore)
- Only Jesus Saves! - (Salvation and Redemption are found in no other name than ‘Jesus’. He alone achieved victory over Sin, Satan, and Death) - {PDF Copy}
- His Surpassing Greatness - {PDF Copy} - (Through a series of comparisons, the letter to the Hebrews demonstrates the superiority of the Son over his predecessors)
- His Distinguished Name - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus inherited a more distinguished name than the angels – Son)
- Do Not Drift Away - {PDF Copy} - (A dire warning of the consequences of failing to heed the superior word spoken in the Son)
- Hold Fast to the Word! - {PDF Copy} - (Followers of Jesus must cling tenaciously to the Word spoken in the Son or they will drift away from God’s gracious salvation)
- His Priestly Qualifications - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus qualified to become our high priest by participating fully in human suffering, weakness, and death)
- Merciful and Faithful Priest - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic high priest, having participated fully in humanity’s plight)
- His Once for All Sacrifice - {PDF Copy} - (The New Covenant results from the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus and his superior priesthood based on his resurrection life)
- The Son Surpasses Moses - {PDF Copy} - (The word of the Son is superior even to the word of Moses, the servant and Great Lawgiver in the house of Yahweh)
- Harden Not Your Hearts - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples of Jesus who fail to hold fast to their confession due to unbelief will not inherit the coming rest of God)
- Enter His Rest - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who fail to hold fast their confession due to unbelief and disobedience will not inherit the coming rest of God)
- Then He Sat Down - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son whom God appointed as our merciful and faithful High Priest after his suffering, death, and resurrection)
- Priest Forever - {PDF Copy} - (His priesthood is superior since it rests on his endless resurrection life and God’s oath, the priest after the order of Melchizedek – Psalm 110:4)
- A Change of Law - {PDF Copy} - (The new priesthood after the order of Melchizedek inaugurated by Jesus also means a change in the Law - Hebrews 7:12)
- His Incomparable Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus inaugurated the superior New Covenant through his Death and Resurrection, rendering the old system obsolete – Hebrews 8:6-13)
- Shadows or Substance - {PDF Copy} - (The types and shadows of the old covenant find their substance in the Son of God, in his priesthood and New Covenant – Hebrews 8:1-5)
- His Penetrating Word - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples must cling tightly to their confession and approach Jesus with boldness-of-speech, especially in times of great need – Hebrews 4:12-16)
- The Tent God Pitched - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus intercedes without ceasing for his people in the true heavenly Tabernacle, one not made with human hands but pitched by God)
- Jesus is King - {PDF Copy} - (Christ’s reign from the Messianic Throne began following his Death, Resurrection, and Exaltation to God’s presence – Psalms 110:1)
- The Tent of Meeting - {PDF Copy} - (Ever since the Word became flesh, God’s Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth, and all who believe in him behold His splendor)
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[Letters Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash] |