An Urgent Warning
Jesus stressed critical information that is vital if his disciples are to avoid deception by false prophets and other deceivers active in the Church.
The discourse given by Jesus on the Mount of Olives includes instructions about the future. He warns repeatedly of the “many deceivers” and “false prophets” who will spread misleading information among his followers about his return and the end of the age, and otherwise strive to hoodwink “the elect, if possible.” Constant vigilance is vital for recognizing their clever lies. Discernment is necessary for avoiding apostasy. The goal of these deceivers is to dupe and derail the Church.
Christ’s warning remains relevant since so many churches today have been overrun by false teachers,
charlatans, false prophets, and other predators, “deceiving and being
deceived” - Exactly as Jesus and his Apostles forewarned. While the Church
has struggled with deception since its inception, the problem is especially
acute at present.
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[Photo by Traworld Official on Unsplash] |
It is not coincidental that Jesus located this warning at the start of his Olivet Discourse. The greatest threat to his followers is from deceivers, not persecution, poverty, or trials and tribulation. The ability to identify deception is far more critical than knowing the times and seasons of Christ’s “arrival on the clouds of Heaven.” If his Assembly can be overcome by Satan’s deceivers, it will be destroyed from within.
Jesus began
with a warning: “Beware lest anyone deceive you.” Liars and charlatans will
come in his name and “deceive MANY.” Likewise, “MANY false prophets”
will appear among his followers, not just a few, targeting the “elect”
of God. In the passage, the stress is on the Greek term translated as “many”
- (Matthew 24:4-11, 24:23-24, 24:26).
Their deceptive
teachings will include false information about the return of the “Son of Man.”
False prophets will claim that he “is here” or “there,” or that
he is “in the wilderness” or “in the secret chamber.” They will set
false expectations about the imminence of his return by claiming that the “season
has drawn near” - (Matthew 24:23-26, Luke 21:8).
will “hear of wars and reports of wars,” and deceivers will point to conflicts
between nations, earthquakes, and similar calamities, both natural and manmade,
as “signs,” evidence of the rapidly approaching “end.”
Wars, seismic activities, and famines occur with regularity; however, they are not indicators of the nearness of Christ’s return, and they cannot be used to calculate the “end.” At most, they are “birth pains” that point to the inevitable conclusion of the present evil age.
as Jesus stated, the “end is not yet.”
Such common events cannot be used to calculate its timing. Nor did
Jesus say that their frequency or intensity would increase in the “last days.”
Wars, plagues, earthquakes, and famines have been common occurrences throughout
human history. What sets one war or earthquake apart from all others,
prophetically speaking? - (Matthew 24:4-6).
Jesus warned
his followers that “no one knows the day and hour, neither the angels of the
heavens nor the Son, except the Father alone.”
For emphasis, he ended this declaration with the term “alone,” which is emphatic
in the Greek sentence. The Father is the ONLY exception to the rule,
warning is repeated at least four times in his Discourse, along with the declaration
that we do not know “on what kind of day” he will come since he is
coming “at an hour we do not expect.” The version of this saying in the Book
of Mark adds that we do not know “when the SEASON is” - (Matthew 24:42-44,
24:50, 25:13, Mark 13:32-35).
Jesus again
warned his disciples about this just before his ascension. They asked when he
would restore the Kingdom. To this, he replied, “It is NOT for you to know TIMES or SEASONS, which the
Father has put in His own authority.”
The Greek nouns translated as “times” and “seasons” are both plural,
and together, they cover any way we might wish to delimit time - (Acts
Try as we might, we are not privy to this information.
We lack the ability and knowledge necessary to calculate the timing of the
final day. Our human desire to obtain information about the future is natural
and understandable. This is precisely why Satan sends his minions to prey on our
anxieties about the future.
than attempt to ascertain prophetic timetables, we ought to concern ourselves
with proclaiming the Gospel. That is the one mission assigned to us by our
Sovereign. Thus, for example, he commanded the early church to wait until they
received the Spirit. Only then would they become empowered to be his witnesses
to the “uttermost parts of the Earth.” That calling remains the
paramount mission of his true Church, and its completion is the one event that
will trigger his return and the “conclusion of the age” - (Matthew 24:14).
In the
interim, we must remain prepared for his sudden and unexpected arrival. It
is because we do not know the timing of the end that we must be ready at every
moment, and that includes avoiding deception - (Matthew 24:14, 24:42-44, 25:13,
Mark 13:32-36).
The ‘Olivet
Discourse’ does not provide the Church with detailed prophetic timetables or “signs”
by which it can calculate the date of the Second Coming. However, it warns us strenuously about deceivers who will plague his people, a reality
that will continue for the entire period between his resurrection and his return. Therefore, “Beware
lest anyone deceives you!”
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