Hold Fast to the Word!

Followers of Jesus must cling tenaciously to the Word spoken in the Son or they will drift away from God’s gracious salvation.

The Letter’s first literary section concludes with an exhortation and warning. The disciple of Jesus who fails to heed the far “better word” God is speaking in His Son will suffer an even “sorer punishment” than the rebellious Israelites when they disobeyed the Mosaic Law. The Torah was delivered to Moses by angels. Nevertheless, it was God’s word, and therefore, lawbreakers received severe punishments – (Hebrews 2:1-4).

God now speaks His word directly to His people through His Son. If we disobey or simply neglect this “word” we commit a transgression of the worst kind. The severity of the resulting punishment will be unimaginable.

Bible Study - Photo by Aaron Owens on Unsplash
[Photo by Aaron Owens on Unsplash]

The Letter warns us not to allow ourselves to “
drift away” from the definitive “word” provided by God through His Son.

  • For this causewe must more abundantly be giving heed to the things that have been heard, lest at any time we drift away. For if the word through angels spoken became firm and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense, how shall we escape if so great a salvation as this we have neglected, which, indeed, having received a beginning of being spoken through the Lord, by them who heard to us was confirmed, God jointly witnessing also both with signs and wonders and manifold mighty works, and with distributions of Holy Spirit, according to his own will?” - (Hebrews 2:1-4).

The Greek verb translated as “drift away” indicates a gradual process of departing from the “word,” not a sudden decision to abandon Jesus, perhaps as the result of the “deceitfulness of sin.” It is a nautical term, and the image is that of a ship that begins to float away after being loosed from its anchor.

Fortunately, the Letter to the Hebrews tells us how to avoid this situation – By “more abundantly giving heed to the things that have been heard.” Here, the Greek verb translated as “giving heed” is in the present tense. It represents an action in progress. This is something that we as believers must do daily.

In the context of the Letter, the Word that was first “heard” is the “word” spoken by God “in a Son.” We must cling to this word of “salvation.” It was then proclaimed by “those who heard,” namely, the Apostles, and God Himself confirmed its validity with “signs and wonders,” and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of these supernatural acts was not to overawe us or to become the foundation of our faith, but to “confirm” that the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles represent the true words of God. Thus, the Assembly is summoned to heed the teachings of the Apostles.


This same exhortation occurs several times in the Letter. For example, we should fear lest we fail to “enter into his rest.” We have no excuse since we heard “the Gospel preached to us.” Ancient Israel failed because, though the nation heard the word, it did not “profit them since the things heard were not blended with faith” – (Hebrews 4:1-2).

We must be careful lest we “excuse ourselves from him who is speaking,” and here, “speaking” represents another Greek verb in the present tense, an ongoing action. God has spoken this word “in a Son,” and He is still speaking it whenever the Apostolic Traditions are taught.

If the Israelites who heard the word mediated through angels “escaped not” for their failure to heed God’s Word, how will we avoid punishment if we “turn ourselves away from Him who is speaking from the Heavens”? Instead, let us be thankful and serve God “with reverence and awe”- (Hebrews 12:25-28).

The Apostle Paul made a similar declaration in 2 Thessalonians. After warning of the coming Apostasy and the “Man of lawlessness,” he expressed his confidence that the Thessalonians would not be deceived by coming events since they were “holding fast to the traditions you were taught, whether by word or by an epistle of ours” - (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

We persevere through trials and tribulations by cleaving to the teachings of the Apostles, which form the unshakable foundation on which the Body of Christ must stand firm, even when God once again causes not only the Earth to tremble, but also the Heavens:

  • And this word signifies the removal of those things that can be shaken <…> so that only those things which are not shaken remain. Wherefore, receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace by which we may offer service well-pleasing to God with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire” – (Hebrews 12:25-29).

The Apostolic Tradition has been preserved for us in the pages of the Greek New Testament, and that explains why so often deceivers and false prophets point believers away from learning and relying on the Scriptures for their daily sustenance and guidance.

Not only will the Word of the Son sustain and preserve us, but it will also expose, challenge, and inevitably destroy the lies and deceptions of the ministers of Satan who “masquerade as angels of light” and preach another gospel and a very different Jesus - (2 Corinthians 11:4-13).

  • God has Spoken! - (God is speaking His definitive word in His Son. All previous words spoken by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial)
  • His Distinguished Name - (Having achieved the Purification of Sins, Jesus sat down and inherited a more distinguished name than the angels; namely, Son)
  • Do Not Drift Away - (The Letter gives dire warnings of the consequences for failing to heed the superior word spoken by God in His Son – Hebrews 1:4-2:7)
  • Stand Fast! - (Believers prepare for the Apostasy and the coming Man of Lawlessness by committing themselves to the traditions received from the Apostles)



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