Rudimentary Things
Paul chided the Galatians over their desire “to return to bondage under the weak and beggarly rudiments” of the world, including calendrical observations and circumcision. Since they were no longer “minors” but full heirs who lived in the age of fulfillment and had the Gift of the Spirit, resorting to outmoded rituals was tantamount to returning to a state of slavery.
Did not God send his Son in the
“fullness of time” to redeem those who were under the Law, “that we
might receive the adoption of sons”? And “because we are sons, He sent
the Spirit of his Son into our hearts.”
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[Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash] |
Disciples of Jesus are no longer under the custodianship of the Law, Jewish or Gentile. With his arrival, a fundamental change in the Law and a shift in the status of God’s people occurred. His arrival meant that believers ceased being minors and became heirs of the covenant promises.
If the Galatians returned to
the “rudimentary things” of the old order they would regress to “types
and shadows” even though they possessed the substance of what those things foreshadowed
– (Galatians 4:1-6).
The main controversy was the effort by men
“from Jerusalem” to require Gentile believers to undergo circumcision,
and thereby “complete” their faith, but once that door was opened, other
issues from the requirements of the Mosaic Law would come into play. If a man was
required to keep one of the Law’s regulations, he was obligated to keep the
entire Law, putting him under its “curse” - (Galatians 3:10):
- “But at that time, not knowing God, you were in bondage to them who, by nature, are not gods. But now, having acknowledged God, or rather, having been acknowledged by God, why are you reverting again to the weak and beggarly rudiments to which you again wish to come into bondage? Days you do narrowly observe, and months and seasons and years. I am afraid of you, lest by any means, in vain, I have toiled for you!” - (Galatians 4:8-11).
The Galatians were justified “from the faith of
Jesus Christ, not from the
deeds of the Law.” To return
to the rituals of the Levitical code would declare that Jesus had died in
vain - (Galatians 2:15-21).
Paul used an analogy based on the adoption
practices of the Greco-Roman culture. Under the Law, Israel was
comparable to a minor before his formal adoption when the child was under “custodians
and administrators” appointed by his adoptive parent. As such, he differed
little from a household slave.
Likewise, believers were “children” in bondage under the “rudiments of the world” until the time appointed when God sent his Son to redeem them. Consequently, they were adopted, and as sons, they became full heirs.
In the analogy, the Law of
Moses played the “custodian.” However, since the “adoption,”
a change in status had occurred as attested by the receipt of the Gift of the
Spirit. With the Messiah’s arrival, the role of the “custodian” was terminated.
The Greek term rendered “rudiments” or stoicheion
means “elemental, elementary, rudiment, rudimentary, basic” - (Strong’s
- #G4747). It may refer to any first thing, the parts and basic building
blocks that comprise a larger whole.
Returning to the observation of the calendar
meant reverting to the elementary principles of the old era rather than living
in the new one inaugurated by Jesus, and regression
to an earlier state of immaturity. Submitting to religious rites based
on the cycles of celestial bodies meant returning to the “rudiments” of
the old regime.
“Why are you reverting again?” Paul
uses a Greek verb in the progressive present tense – ongoing action - one
that means to “revert, turn back.” By resorting to calendrical rituals, the
Galatians would return to bondage under the “weak and beggarly”
practices of the old era, and “beggarly” adds emphasis to the point.
What they were doing would only impoverish them spiritually.
His warning applied to both
Jewish and Gentile believers. Previously, the Gentiles were “in bondage to
them that by nature are no gods.” Calendrical observations as
religious rites were as common among pagans as they were among the Jews, though
differing in key details.
The Galatians were desiring to “observe
closely” days, months, and years. This represents the Greek verb paratéreō,
meaning, to “watch closely, narrowly observe; to keep scrupulously” (Strong’s - #G3906). The
same verb was applied to the Scribes and Pharisees who scrutinized the actions of Jesus to
see if he would violate their dietary and Sabbath regulations - (Mark 3:2, Luke
6:7, 14:1, 20:20).
The clause rendered “days and months and
seasons and years” is virtually identical to the Greek Septuagint version
of the description in Genesis of the divisions of time:
- “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.” – (Genesis 1:14).
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[Photo by Axi Aimee on Unsplash] |
The verbal allusion is deliberate. Calendrical observations characterized the old order, but not the new Messianic Age. Such practices are not necessarily evil, but in Christ, they become outmoded, passé. With the inauguration of the New Covenant, the old one became “obsolete, aged”, as the Letter to the Hebrews argues - (Galatians 1:1-6, 6:14-15, 1 Corinthians 7:31, Hebrews 8:13).
For a follower of Jesus to submit to
circumcision, calendrical rituals, and the like, would mean returning to
bondage under the rudimentary principles of the old era from which Jesus
liberated him or her through his death.
The Messianic Age and the “New
Creation” dawned in Jesus, through the redemptive work he accomplished on
the Cross, and his disciples must live accordingly.
- His All-Sufficiency - (Paul responds to his opponents by emphasizing the all-sufficiency of the faithful act of Jesus in his obedience unto death – Galatians 2:15-21)
- Having started in the Spirit - (The receipt of the Spirit while in an uncircumcised state is irrefutable proof that Gentiles are accepted by God as Gentiles)
- The Promised Spirit - (The Promise of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch)
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